- Live theme primary color changes via Customizer
- Starter-kit with minimal assets
- Added search functionality in documentation for easy to find solution
- Enhanced documentation
- Improved Customizer for real-time updates
- Search bar using Algolia, a third party library.
- SCSS structure - Build and extend in real-time with CSS variables, for ex. themes, skins, direction, etc.
- Autosize library and used field-sizing: content; css property
- jquery-sticky library and used custom styles
- jquery-datatables-checkboxes library
- bootstrap-maxlength library and used custom code
- bootstrap-datepicker library
- Fonts icons with SVG icons using iconify
- cleavejs library with cleave-zen library
- Blockui library with Notiflix library
- Toastr library with Notyf library
- rateyo library with Raty library
- UI improvements and bug fixes
Added compatibility with Node.js 22.x
Updated Next.js version from 14.x to 15.x (Breaking change)
Updated Material-UI version from 5.x to 6.x (Breaking change)
Updated other dependencies to latest versions
Updated CustomTextField component to use Material-UI v6.x and added support for new props
Updated documentation to reflect changes in Next.js and Material-UI
Fixed error that occurred when closing the dialog
Updated Vue & Vuetify to latest version
Vue Laravel
Updated Vue, Vuetify & Laravel to latest version
Updated Vue, Vuetify & Nuxt to latest version
Added scroll to top in front layout
Added tailwind color for facebook, twitter and linkedin
Updated docs
Updated all the packages to the latest version
Updated Calendar styles
Updated responsive in the eCommerce app
Updated date-picker and custom chip components
Updated section spacing in card basic page
Updated HorizontalWithAvatar statistic card
Fixed mode flicker issue when system is dark and open 2 tabs (When settings.mode & system both have dark mode and open 2 two tabs side by side, mode was flickering when we refresh any of the 2 pages)
Fixed apps & front-pages bugs
Fixed logo-text rendering in vertical-menu when collapsed and small screen
Fixed subMenuContent styles for popoutWhenCollapsed in bordered layout
Removed unused images
Removed avatarIconSize prop as tailwind cannot generate dynamic classes
Removed rgbaToHex util
- Added Landing, Pricing, Payment, Checkout and Help Center pages
- Added eCommerce, Academy, Logistics, Email, Chat and Kanban apps
- Added Academy and Logistics dashboards
- Added new cards in Widget Examples
- Added HOCs (Higher Order Components) viz. TranslationWrapper, AuthGuard and GuestOnlyRoute
- Added removeI18n script in the full-version to remove translation from the whole template
- Added src/app/server/actions file for all the server actions
- Added homePageUrl in themeConfig and next.config.mjs files
- Added private, guest-only and public routes for authentication
- Updated docs
- Updated all the packages to the latest version
- Updated types
- Updated folder structure (breaking change for authentication)
- Moved fake-db from src/app/api to src folder
- Replaced kbar search with cmdk search
- Replaced react-draft-wysiwyg editor with tiptap editor
- Moved Menu Examples and Hook Examples from template to docs
- Replaced MUI theme object colors with CSS variables
- Separated dependencies and devDependencies in package.json
- Updated MUI overrides
- Updated Horizontal and Vertical menu styles
- Updated GenerateMenu file
- Updated file name from next.config.js to next.config.mjs
- Updated redirects in the next.config.mjs file
- Updated the Calendar app with Redux
- Updated src/components/layout/shared/Logo.tsx component and removed the getLocalizedUrl function
- Moved the src/app/api/fake-db folder to the src/fake-db folder
- Fixed bugs in pages and apps
- Fixed icon alignment in the horizontal menu
- Removed unused packages
- Removed middleware file and moved all the auth and translation logics into their respective HOCs (Higher Order Components)
- Removed unnecessary 'use client' from all files
- Removed paperChannel from our theme overrides
- Removed background-color-rgb CSS variable and replaced it with mui-palette-background-paperChannel
- Removed alias for reducers
- Removed reactStrictMode from the next.config.mjs file as we are no longer using useReducer hook
- Removed demoConfig file, getDemoName server action function and their related code
Initial Release (Next.js v14 + App Router)
Next.js v13 version with Pages Router is now deprecated
Vue, Vue + Laravel & Nuxt
Refined layouts, components and all the pages for improved design alignment and aesthetics
Updated all the dependencies to their latest version
Figma (Design File)
Minor design corrections
HTML, HTML + Laravel
Updated Documentation
Stepper style fix for RTL disabled Mode
HTML + Laravel
Bordered Layout & RTL mode UI fixes in third-party libs & components
Minor improvements & Bugfixes
HTML + Laravel
- Integrated template with Vite 5
- Laravel with Webpack Mix
- Only provide support for the next 6 months
- Future updates won't be considered
HTML, HTML + Laravel with Vite
- Form validation integrated with NPM Package
- Fixed Peer Dependency requirements for NPM
- Bugfixes & Improvements
- Flag Icons integrated with the NPM Package
- Package dependencies
- Third-Party Libraries & assets imports
- Documentation
- Unused flag icon SVGs
Fixed node waves not working in data-table buttons & alerts
Minor UI improvements & bug fixes
Initial Version
Added BASE_URL and use it as per env to make it easy.
Loading state to submit buttons on mail send.
Django 5.0
Fixed Search link not working
Fixed node waves not working in data-table buttons & alerts
Minor improvements & bug fixes
- Updated to .NET 8 (Reduced Package size & startup time)
- Documentation
- Docker compatibility with .NET 8
- Removed warnings during build process
- Fixed locale issues in RTL mode (Arabic)
- Minor improvements & bugfixes
- datadump.json file which can help while migrating with any database with init data
- Documentation: Django Admin - Database with PostgreSQL integration
- CRUD: Added decimal validation
- PostgreSQL integration/migration issue