VM UIkit

VM UIkit 10.10

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Author theresa
Creation date
Joomla Compatibility
  1. 3.x
Full Content support for VirtueMart! Use the power of YOOthemes Builder to create Dynamic theme
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business VM UIkit 10.10 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 563.7 KB File size. From VM UIkit have 234 Views.
Full Dynamic Content support for VirtueMart! Use the power of YOOthemes Pro Builder to create Dynamic Templates for VirtueMart! Go to our dedicate VMuikit X page for more information.

Changelog Version: 10.10

  • New Custom Source added for Manufacturer
  • User can list all feature products from "custom category" source if category selection empty
  • Layout issue fixed in One page checkout
  • Payson payment issue fixed
  • New default Templates added for all views
Changelog Version: 10.9

  • Tested in Joomla 3.10
  • Layout issue fixed in VM Grid element
  • Related products Layout issue fixed in "Addtocart" popup
  • Changed "Addtocart" layout into oneline in category dynamic source
  • Payment/shipment listing style minor issue fixed in Onepage plugin
  • Payment sorting issue fixed in Onepage plugin
Extention type
File size
563.7 KB
First release
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VMuikit X - joomla Vm  plugin H
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