VirtueMart theme Reviver

VirtueMart theme Reviver 6.6

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessVirtueMart theme Reviver 6.6 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is txt Extention type and 75 bytes File size. From VirtueMart theme Reviver have 450 Views.
Reviver is a premium responsive multipurpose VirtueMart theme which perfectly fits for any e-commerce website. With such features like this template has you can forget about other store templates. Here are some of them: attractive design and responsive layout, T3 framework for Joomla! 2.5.x which includes Bootstarp & LESS, ThemeMagic setting panel and SEO tools, mega menu and smart search, 7 layouts of home page and 3 different sliders such as Revolution, Flex and Camera sliders, multi-languages and multi currency, wishlist and product comparison, ajax drop-down shopping cart and price filter, list and grid view for category pages, product image zoom and lightbox, previous/next item navigation and custom tabs on product page, Facebook and Twitter plugins, extended documentation and much more… Still have some doubts? Then view our full list of features and live preview.
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75 bytes
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