VIPEmbed - Movies TV Shows Embed PHP Script 1.2

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessVIPEmbed - Movies TV Shows Embed PHP Script 1.2 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 21.8 MB File size. From VIPEmbed - Movies TV Shows Embed PHP Script have 4 discussion, 862 Views.
VIPEmbed provides an embed video player for streaming and helps you to create a movie & TV shows database including streaming and download links. Basically, this script is developed to better manage to "stream" links and "download " links in one place.
It has many other unique features and I will mention that information in the features section.


  • Username: admin
  • Password: 1234

About Translations Module - ( 35+ Languages Supported )​

You can translate the whole theme and movies info to multiple languages easily. Movies info will auto-translate to different languages but you must manually translate the theme files to different languages. Languages files are included to translate template files. You can follow our documentation for more details.
If it does not contain the language you want, you are free to contact me to add it.
On the DEMO website, I haven't translated whole template files to multiple languages, just translated movies info into a few languages.

Change Log​

Version 1.2 (24/03/2022)
- Added: Multiple Languages Supported
- Added: API for adding movies and links to the script
- Added: Find movies by title on admin panel
- Added: Movies Request feature
- Added: Custom Pages
- Added: Adblock detector
- Added: SEO setup fields
- Fixed: Some minor bugs

Version 1.1 (09/03/2022)
- Added: Third-party APIs
- Added: Movies/Tv shows discover
- Added: Dynamic XML Sitemap generater
- Added: Trending, recommend, new release, imdb top pages
- Added: Watch history section
- Added: Default poster and preview images
- Updated: Movies/ TV shows details ( such as country, language, trailer, etc)
- Updated: Bulk import
- Updated: Single download link page
- Updated: Public API
- Improved: Links reporting system
- Improved: Frontend design
- Fixed: Some minor bugs

Version 1.0 (18/02/2022)
- Initial release


  • Embed video player
    Supports playing several videos that you have uploaded to video hosting sites in one player.
  • Translation Module
    You can translate the script into any ltr language which supports UTF-8 characters. Language switcher included with the site.
  • IMDB and TMDB ids supported
    You can use IMDB or TMDB Ids to easily add movies to the site.
  • TMDB and OMDB APIs Supported
    Supports two leading movie databases such as and
  • Trending, recommend, New release pages, etc
    We are analyzing movie data and tracking users' activity will create these pages.
  • Watch History
    We are saving users' lasted watch movies/shows here.
  • Links Protection
    Your streaming and download links are encrypted and also you can enable captcha for extra
  • Powerful Public API
    Public API is Widely supported get movie streaming links or download links
  • Links reporting
    Users can complain if you have entered an incorrect link or the link does not work
  • Advertisement
    supports banner ads and pop ads
  • Download page
    Provides a single page containing several download links
  • Download countdown timer
    Provides a single page with a countdown timer for a single download link
  • Web pages cache
    You can enable web page cache to speed up your site
  • Movies request
    With this feature, users can request their favorite movies which are not been included.
  • Lazy Loading
    Speed up your site by loading images and iframes only as they enter the viewport.

  • Autoload data
    Supports automatic loading of movie data when you add an IMDB or Tmdb id.
    also, the script is able to load the next episode automatically when you selected a tv show.
  • Bulk Import
    Supports adding a large number of movies and TV shows to the site at once
  • Firewall
    You can select or block which sites can use your embed videos
  • Requests limitation
    You can set daily requests limits to users' activity. For streaming, downloading, and reporting links, etc.
  • Discover movies/ TV shows
    Discover movies by different types of data like popularity, release date, year and genres, etc. also supports sort options.
    With this, you can search and import a large number of data at once. Watch this video to understand how this works
  • Third-party APIs
    You can set third-party streaming APIs and it will automatically embed when you added a movie. Watch this video to understand how this works:
  • Extensive statistics
    Provides extensive statistics on TV series and links
  • Track users activity
    If someone tries to find some movie on your site (using IMDb/Tmdb ids) and if that movie is not found, we will save that record, and you can see it and can add that movie easily
  • API for admin
    API is available for adding movies and links into the script. Follow API documentation in the admin panel for more info.
  • Sitemap generator
    The script can Generate dynamic XML Sitemap. ex:

  • Rich Admin panel
    The admin panel is well created to make it easy for admin to handle all the tasks from the backend.
  • Scalable & secure
    Created to fit a large number of movies/TV shows as well as external traffic.
  • Responsive design
    Accessible on mobile, tablet, and desktop. automatically reformats depending on the user's device.
  • SEO Ready
    Script has ready to set up basic SEO like meta keywords, description and title, etc.
  • 100% Source Supplied
    The source code is not encoded at all, you can make changes as you fit.
  • Easy installation
    It can be easily installed on your server in as little as 5 minutes.
  • Fully Supported
    It provides support for all technical issues that may arise during its use.


  • PHP 7.4+
  • MYSQL 5.x
Extention type
File size
21.8 MB
First release
Last update
Ratings 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
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