Vikinger - BuddyPress and GamiPress Social Community

Vikinger - BuddyPress and GamiPress Social Community 1.9.31

No permission to download
Fixes for bugs / security issues.
Updated templates to WooCommerce v9.7.0.
Fixed an issue that could cause private group activities to show sitewide after editing them.
In order to allow users to change the status of private group activities made public by this issue, we added the activity option Make private (the activity author / creator can access this option by clicking on the three dots icon, at the top right side of the activity)
The Make private option will display only on private group activities that are public, and will allow the activity author to return their status to private. Once you use this function, please ensure to refresh the page before trying to edit them again.


  • Updated theme to be compatible with localization file loading changes introduced in WordPress version 6.7.


  • Replaced deprecated functions.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented post format inputs in the post editor from displaying under some conditions.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the “Add Image” button on the post editor from working.
  • Fixed a styling issue that could ocurr with images added with the “Add Image” button.

To get these fixes, please update the “Vikinger Metaboxes” plugin to version 1.0.3 from the theme “Setup” backend menu.

  • Improved display of blog post V1 and V2 with featured image on mobile devices.

Paid Memberships Pro​

  • Improved spacing and size of subtitles in account hub pages.
  • Updated login page styles.


  • Updated templates to WooCommerce v9.3.1.
Updated templates to latest version of Paid Memberships Pro (v3.1.3).
Updated styles to latest version of Paid Memberships Pro (v3.1.3).
Updated templates to latest version of WooCommerce (v9.0.1).


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Manage Groups menu item to display and its page to be accessible when the Enable group creation for all users option was deactivated.

Verified Member for BuddyPress​

  • Added support for the Enable Verification Requests option.
  • Added support for the Display Unverified Badge option.
  • Fixed badge size issue when displaying on member usernames.
Updated theme to support latest plugin version (v3.0.1).
Fixed mobile sidebar username text using wrong color when using dark themes.

Added styles for the new information, success and error message boxes.

Better Messages
Updated theme style compatiblity in light and dark versions.