
IPS Videos 3.5.6

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Author billyt
Creation date
Allows your members to submit their own videos for community viewing.
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business IPS - Videos 3.5.6 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 91.6 KB File size. From Videos have 1 Description Attachments, 4 discussion, 2 Updates, 251 Views.

Allows your members to submit their own videos for community viewing. Support is included for all the major video sites.

  • NEW Per category custom field support.
  • NEW Quick add video support.
  • NEW Video.JS support for uploaded videos.
  • NEW Improved front end design new trending, followed, discover and featured tabs .Including pagination and sorting.
  • NEW RSS import support for videos.
  • Support included for share links on view video page.
  • Support for category permissions. Set who can add videos, edit videos, delete videos, add comments, edit comments, delete comments per group.
  • Support for per category settings, including view category, view and add video permissions and discussion topics.
  • Ajax rating system with per group permissions who can rate and even who can change their votes.
  • Default per category settings for sort and filter as well as number of videos per page.
  • Support for YouTube thumbnails. Thumbnails are downloaded and saved locally for display next to videos when new videos are added using media urls. (See below for which sites are supported.)
  • Quick add video option, enter the media url and category and the system will attempt to get the video title/description automatically. (Not all media urls supported.)
  • Support for category or video following.
  • Support for IPB's tag class for videos.
  • Per category or globally created discussion topics.
  • RSS feed for new videos added and per category rss feed export added for each category.
  • Like
Reactions: ircfc and Napolion
Extention type
File size
91.6 KB
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

3.5.6 - changelog
UPDATE core_applications SET app_requires_manual_intervention = 0 WHERE app_directory = 'videos'
3.5.4 - changelog
no changelog for this version

Similar resources

Videos Import Tags J
allows you to set the default tags and prefix for each RSS feed imported in the application.
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