Ultimate Affiliate Pro WordPress Plugin

Ultimate Affiliate Pro WordPress Plugin 8.9.1 Nulled

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- Fixed: Integration with Easy Digital Downloads Pro
- Changed: System Activation & Verification Process
- Added: Integrations section in UAP Dashboard
- Fixed: Changing the WP Native fields slugs
- Changed: Data display when Affiliate has no Rank assigned
- Changed: UAP Dashboard Style and UI Improvements
- Fixed: Gutenberg Compatibility with LearnPress
- Fixed: Woo Payment Integration not working with Woo Blocks
- Changed: UAP Dashboard interface
- Changed: FrontEnd Showcases
- Added: Referrals Table - Payout status
- Fixed: Custom Affiliate Tabs - Icons display
- Fixed: main Reports tab order
- Fixed: Direct Email - Subject
- Fixed: Admin Menu is not showing up at WP Multisite
- Fixed: Approve Affiliate option does not show up in the Affiliates Table
- Fixed: PHP Compatibility
- Fixed: Payout process - new payout algorithm
- Fixed: Remove Payout Payments
- Fixed: Affiliates table - showing up the Email Status column when is necessary
- Fixed: Default Rank option is not saving
- Changed: Affiliate Table - Search by Affiliate
- Changed: Recurring Commission generation process
- Changed: Product Rates - No Date Range requirement
- Added: New option - Disable IP Address Logging
- Added: New option - Product Rates to work with All Products in one entry
- Added: New Payout option - Referrals Grace Period
- Added: New Payout option - Minimum Amount Required
- Added: New details inside the Referrals table
- Added: Preview Affiliate Portal option for Admins
- Added: New option - Reject Commissions at Refund
- Added: Special field inside the Registration form for Payout details
- Added: New option - "Disable Referral"
- Added: Allow logged users to Register as an Affiliate through the Registration form
- Added: New option - New Customer Commissions only
- Added: Import Affiliates through CSV file
- Added: Import Referrals through CSV file
- Added: New Payout Wizard
- Fixed: ReCaptcha V3 integration
- Fixed: Referral status update when refund is proceeded on EDD payments
- Fixed: Referrals details meta box for latest WooCommerce version
- Fixed: Checkout Referral field inside Profile form
- Fixed: Dates filter inside Referrals table
- Fixed: Source filter inside Referrals table
- Fixed: Management Creatives during Initial Setup
- Fixed: Compatibility with PHP > v.7.4
- Fixed: Static Coupons without any Amount set up
- Fixed: Checkout Referrals field inside Ultimate Membership Pro Registration form
- Fixed: Set Rank as Default option
- Fixed: Import settings via XML file
- Fixed: Recurring Commission Amount calculation
- Changed: Email Notifications setup section and Tags
- Changed: Style at front-end Showcases
- Changed: UAP Dashboard UX/UI
- Fixed: Login Form - Undefined Errors
- Fixed: UAP Dashboard - Dynamic Tables
- Added: Affiliates column inside Ranks Table
- Added: Show/Hide Password option inside Login/Register form
- Added: Default Rank option when Add/Edit a rank
- Fixed: Approve button inside Affiliates Table
- Fixed: Direct Email popup workflow
- Added: Wizard Initial Setup step
- Added: Custom Administrator Email Addresses
- Added: Email Notifications Logs
- Fixed: Wallet module -code generation process
- Added: Export/Import CSV options
- Added: Weekly Email Summary new Module
- Fixed: PayPal Payout process for various currencies
- Changed: Payout process
- Changed: Administrator Dashboard
- Added: Mobile Dashboard Menu
- Added: Extra Creatives options
- Added: New Reports data
- Changed: Administrator Dashboard
- Changed: Email Notifications workflow
- Changed: Automatic Updates through WordPress Dashboard
- Fixed: Offers setup for Ultimate Membership Pro plugin
- Added: Integration with direct WooCommerce payments, such ApplePay
- Fixed: PayPerClick (PPC) Module workflow and how Referrals are generated
- Fixed: CostPerMile (CPM) Module setup
- Fixed: My Account Page content inside the Tabs and how is formatted
- Changed: Stripe Payout integration and Payout process
- Fixed: MLM Parent manually assigned to Affiliates
- Fixed: Approve Affiliate by Administrator
- Fixed: MLM tab on My Account page
- Fixed: Affiliate Bar - Referrer Links shows HTML tags
- Changed: Admin Dashboard checkbox options
- Improve Reset Password workflow
- Improve compatibility with Yoast SEO
- Fix remove data after Uninstall option
- Fix Pay All option from Affiliates table
- Fix Banner Upload option inside Account Page
- Add Tracking process of referrer source for all Clicks
- Add New Email Notification when a New MLM assignation is recorded
- Add Social Share options for Creatives
- Improve the PayPal library to work on various restrictive servers
- Improve the Pay All option for filtered Referrals
- Improve Stats on Dashboard tab inside Affliate Account Page
- Improve Ranks Achievements management
- Fix Amount display with missing
- Fix Icons for Custom Tabs in Account PAge
- Fix Ranks Reorder option in Admin Dashboard