True Phone Dialer & Contacts & Call Recorder

True Phone Dialer & Contacts & Call Recorder v2.0.16 Mod

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Download and Discuss Premium, Business True Phone Dialer & Contacts & Call Recorder v2.0.16 Mod version with External download URL on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. There are store on a third-party network disk platform. From True Phone Dialer & Contacts & Call Recorder have 3 Description Attachments, 286 Views.
True Phone has arrived to replace your stock phone & contacts app and bring your calling experience to the next level!

Highly customizable, but easy-to-use, True Phone provides you very convenient way to quickly access your recent calls, contacts, favorites and groups. It comes with the idea to get rid of unnecessary elements to save space for content, and make daily usage extremely easy with just-one-hand navigation.

True phone works faster than any other dialer, provides tons of unique features and also includes built-in theme manager. Try it now for free!

Fascinating design of Incoming / Ongoing call screens
- Big size photos when calling
- Additional information like job, upcoming birthdays and notes
- Customizable design and appearance
- Many answer styles to choose from, including Google, iPhone, Huawei, Meizu and simple buttons
- Call Recording
Best T9 dialer, ever
- Fast T9 search in your recent calls and contacts
- Smart recent calls grouping
- Multiple language support
- Clean and convenient navigation
- Modern and customizable design
- Themes support
- Extended Dual SIM support

Powerful contact manager
- View and edit your contacts in one place
- Easily create new contacts on specific account
- Keep your contacts organized well with extremely powerful suggestions
- View desired contact information
- Easily contact your friends on social networks
- Easily link your similar contacts
- Import / export your contacts from one place to another
- Share your contacts as text or vCard
- Create and edit contact groups
- Organize your favorites
- Easily access functions you need right now

Changelog For v2.0.16:
* Automatic speaker control (manual or by proximity) while calling
* Change contact account via contact card
* Double tap on ongoing call bubble to get back into the call
* WhatsApp Business support
* Visible contacts now works on MIUI
* Option to change any account name in Groups
* Fast dial the first T9 result when searching, off by default
* Clear frequents in Favorites
* Blacklist now syncs with the system one on some devices
* Group ringtones reworked
* Bug fixes
First release
Last update
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