TouchRetouch - MOD

TouchRetouch - MOD v4.4.1

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Download and Discuss Premium, Business TouchRetouch - MOD v4.4.1 version with External download URL on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. There are store on a third-party network disk platform. From TouchRetouch - MOD have 226 Views.
TouchRetouch is an app that offers you all the tools you need to efficiently remove unwanted content from your photos.

What magic can you do with TouchRetouch?

Remove telephone wires and posts, power lines
Remove surface breaks and scratches — both straight and curved
Remove photobombers
Remove pimples and skin blemishes
Remove human-made objects like stop lights, street signs, trash cans
Remove whatever you feel is spoiling your photos


Make unwanted objects vanish right before your eyes by just marking them.
With Blemish Remover, you can touch any minor blemish once to remove it forever.


Mark only a section of a line to remove it whole; no need to be precise — the app will find the line.
If you need to erase only a part of a line, use Segment Remover.
Set Line Thickness to Thin, Medium, or Thick for better performance.


Eliminate distractions from photos with the Object Removal tool — select either Brush or Lasso, mark the content to be removed, and then tap the Go button.
Remove defects or duplicate objects by using the Clone Stamp tool.
Adjust Stamp Size, Hardness, and Opacity as desired.
Use Eraser to wipe out what has just been cloned.
Set Eraser Size, Hardness, and Opacity as needed.
First release
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