Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme 6.2 Nulled

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessTotal - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme 6.2 Nulled version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 4.1 MB File size. From Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme have 1 Description Attachments, 29 discussion, 29 Updates, 385 Views.

Download Free Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme ThemeForest 6339019
Total is a modern and responsive WordPress theme that combines the power of the WordPress Customizer and the Visual Composer page builder to allow you to create a website for virtually anything. The theme was created with many different niches and professions in mind – corporations, small business, online stores, lawyers, agencies, wedding planners, hosting companies, non-profits, bloggers and more. We’ve made sure to include enough features and settings so that you can create pretty much any site! Have a look at our growing list of demos so you can get a glimpse at what is possible with the Total premium WordPress theme.

The Freelancer’s Dream Theme: If you are a freelancer you will especially enjoy using the Total theme. Long gone are the days where you would have to search for a new theme for each client. Once you get familiar with Total you’ll want to use it on all your client sites making things easier and faster! You can start out by importing one of our beautiful online demos and tweak it for your client’s needs or simply develop the site from scratch by adding your page content with the page builder and tweaking your design and main theme settings via the live WordPress customizer.

Just have a look at some of our industry specific homepage examples to get an idea of just what kind of magic Total is capable of. The theme is packed to the brim with great features like WooCommerce integration or Unlimited Portfolios. At a price that is less than a tank of gas there?s no reason not to get Total today and start building your new website!

Unlimited Custom Pages: WordPress page templates are nice…but when you need to start editing things for your client or your own needs you will have to use code. But not with Total. Use the included Visual Composer page builder to create unique layouts in no time for each one of your pages and wow your client and/or visitors.

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4.1 MB
First release
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Latest updates

  1. 6.2 Nulled - changelog
    full change log on link
  2. 6.1 Nulled - February 26, 2025
    full change log for this version on link
  3. 6.0.3 Nulled - January 3, 2025
    full change log on link

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