TicTic - Android media app for creating and sharing short videos

TicTic - Android media app for creating and sharing short videos 4 January 2025

No permission to download
1. Crashes Fixed
2. Fixed Uploiading Product
3. Moved phone no login from twilio to Firebase
4. Performance Improvement
no change log for this version
New Features
1. Daily Checkin
2. Banuba sdk integrated

Bugs Fixed
1. Crash issues fixed
2. Wallet coins fixed
3. Live streaming issues fixed
no changelog for this version
New Features
1. TicTic Spaces added - (Clone of Twitter Spaces)
2. Promote Video using coins
3. Promotion Analytics

Bugs Fixed
1. duet issue resolve
2. space issue resolve
3. space issue resolve
4. video scrolling issue fix
5. streaming issue fix
6. promo video issue resolve
7. code optimize
8. live user not active issue resolve
9. UI issue resolve
10. coins wallet fixed

Folders Updated
1. Controller
2. Model
3. Lib