[TickTackk] Signature Once

[TickTackk] Signature Once 2.0.8

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XF Compatibility
  1. 2.2.x
  2. 2.3.x
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business[TickTackk] Signature Once 2.0.8 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 63.9 KB File size. From [TickTackk] Signature Once have 8 discussion, 8 Updates, 588 Views.
Allows user signature to be shown only once per thread or once per page.

  • "Show user's signature once per thread" under Admin > Options > Messages
  • "Bypass signature once" under Admin > Groups & permissions > [Usergroup] > Forum permissions
This add-on was funded by @Kevin
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Extention type
File size
63.9 KB
First release
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Latest updates

  1. 2.0.8 - changelog
    Fix: Hide signature flag is set in \XF\Entity\UserOption instead of \XF\Entity\UserProfile (#56)
  2. 2.0.7 - changelog
    Fix: Since 2.0.6, conversation message signatures are always shown (#53) Change: Use...
  3. 2.0.6 - changelog
    Change: Use templater_macro_pre_render over template modification to force hide user signature...

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