Thread Tagging Improvements

Thread Tagging Improvements 1.0.8 Patch Level 1

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Fixes for the JS that handles auto-tagging while creating a new thread:
  • Don't rely on jQuery which has been removed in XF2.3
  • Add tags with Tagify which has replaced select2
Correctly escape the SQL for thread tag lookups
If an SQL error occurs during Rebuild Job, log it and continue with the next one, instead of crashing/stopping
There is an option to disable these loggings under "Other", but we recommend keeping it on and reporting SQL errors raised to us :)
Build the URL paths a bit better so the potential pages don't try to reach non-existing pages
There was a bug where we queried the thread title with an ambiguous column name, which works fine as long as no other add-on does a JOIN with another table that has a similarly named column. (e.g. XFA Tournaments addon)

TL;DR; Fixed our add-on to explicitly query for xf_thread.title instead of title so SQL knows exactly which one we want.
[*]2 new advancedoptions were added to allow change of:
[*]Max amount of thread titles are loaded at once for processing
[*]Chunk size when bulk inserting the collected (up to 50K) words