[TH] User Improvements

[TH] User Improvements 1.3.0 Patch Level 9

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Author anne
Creation date
XF Compatibility
  1. 2.0.x
  2. 2.1.x
This add-on is being removed and replaced with three separate add-ons.
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business [TH] User Improvements 1.3.0 Patch Level 9 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 97.6 KB File size. From [TH] User Improvements have 1 Description Attachments, 1 Reviews, 622 Views.

User Improvements
This add-on is being removed and replaced with three separate add-ons. They are free and maybe downloaded from their separate product pages. The three add-ons are:

  • [TH] Connected Accounts
  • [TH] User Name Change
  • [TH] User Name Color
This add-on bundles up a whole bunch of functionalities that aim at improving your user experience. From colored usernames, username changes, additional privacy settings, and account self-deactivation to more connected accounts for easier login and registration. And most importantly a heavily improved trophy mechanism, including trophy categories, trophy chaining, and a user title ladder progress widget.

Features include:

  • Additional connected account providers:
    • Amazon
    • Battle.net
    • DeviantArt
    • Discord
    • Dropbox
    • Instagram
    • Pinterest
    • Reddit
    • Twitch
  • Username changesincluding:
    • Permissions to determine:
      • Who can change their name.
      • How often they can do that.
      • Who can see the changelog.
      • Who can see the change dates.
    • Username change history.
    • User criteria for trophies and more!
  • Username coloring
    • Set up to 27 available colors for your users to chose their nickname color from via Style Properties.
    • Select who is able to change their username color.
    • User name color is applied to wherever rich text usernames are available.
  • User self account deactivation
    • Including additional self-reactivation within the next X days.
    • Permissions to determine:
      • Who can deactivate their account.
      • If they can reactivate it.
      • For how long they are able to reactivate it.
  • Trophies
    • Trophy categories allow for advanced trophy sorting.
    • Hidden trophies are a new way to send your users on the hunt for even more trophy points!
    • Trophy icons (FontAwesome or images) make trophies look and feel more awesome. They also can be styled with additional per-icon CSS!
    • The User Title Ladder widget shows your users their progress towards the next user title.
    • Predecessor trophies allow for trophy chaining.
    • An improved trophy help page offers more information for your users about their trophy progress.
    • The trophy showcase allows your users to display their most precious trophies on their profiles or in postbits!
    • Manually reward trophies to users.
    • Split the trophy list in the member profile into a separate tab.
    • Add style properties for trophy progress bar.
    • Add links to trophies in showcase.
  • Additional privacy settings.
    • Let users decide who can:
      • View their profile stats.
      • View their username change history.
    • Moderator permissions to bypass these settings.
  • Profile view counters allow your users to track how many people visit their profiles!
    • Additional permissions allow users to reset their view counters upon demand.
    • Including user criteria for trophies and more!
Installation, Upgrade, and Deinstallation

  1. Upload the content of the upload-folder to your XenForo root directory.
  2. Head to ACP -> Add-Ons and install User Improvements.

  1. Read the patch notes for potential additional necessary steps!
  2. Upload the content of the upload-folder to your XenForo root directory. Overwrite files when asked.
  3. Head to ACP -> Add-Ons and upgrade User Improvements.

  1. Head to ACP -> Add-Ons and uninstall User Improvements.
  2. Delete the following folders inside your XenForo root directory:
    1. src/addons/ThemeHouse/UserImprovements/
Many thanks to my generous contributor(s):
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Reactions: LorRock
Extention type
File size
97.6 KB
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings
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Latest reviews

  • Anonymous
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 1.3.0 Patch Level 9
Fire Release

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