[TH] UI.X 2 Dark

[TH] UI.X 2 Dark

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Minor bug fixes with some spacing and sizing, changed sticky sidebar implementation method
Minor bug fixes with some spacing and sizing, updating for XF 2.3.5

Note: This release cannot be used on XenForo 2.2, it is exclusively for XenForo 2.3 only.
Note: This update does not require a UI.X add-on update to function properly.
  • Minor bug fixes, including toggle read status on notification visibility and some small spacing bug fixes
Note: This release cannot be used on XenForo 2.2, it is exclusively for XenForo 2.3 only.
Note: This update does not require a UI.X add-on update to function properly.
Updated for XF
Handful of minor fixes related to icons not rendering
Removed swipe support for off-canvas nav style property
Expandable signature height sizing fix
Other minor tweaks & bugfixes
Resolved a Javascript error that could prevent AJAX content (such as notifications) loading in limited cases
Fix for occasional issue with conversation reply box not loading properly
Handful of minor bugfixes

Note: This release cannot be used on XenForo 2.2, it is exclusively for XenForo 2.3 only.
Note: This update does not require a UI.X add-on update to function properly.
Updating for XF 2.3.3
Minor bugfixes

Note: This release cannot be used on XenForo 2.2, it is exclusively for XenForo 2.3 only.
Note: This update does not require a UI.X add-on update to function properly.
no change log for this version
Fixing error when viewing direct messages on mobile
Various minor bugfixes

Note: This release cannot be used on XenForo 2.2, it is exclusively for XenForo 2.3 only.
Note: This update does not require a UI.X add-on update to function properly.
no change log for this version