SUMO Affiliates Pro - WordPress Affiliate Plugin

SUMO Affiliates Pro - WordPress Affiliate Plugin 10.2.0

No permission to download
New: Reason can be given when changing the status from Unpaid to Paid in the Referrals tab
Tweak: Tested with WordPress 6.5.5
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce 9.0.2
Fix: Error on the Creatives tab
Fix: Affiliate commission is not working for Renewal Orders[Compatibility issue with SUMO Subscriptions]

Version 10.1.0 on 08 April 2024
New: Provided compatibility with Checkout Blocks
Tweak: Troubleshoot option for Flush Rewrite Rules
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.5
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce v8.7.0
Fix: Cookie is not set on the browser when using the Landing Page feature[Conflict with Credit Last Referrer]
New: Provided compatibility with Checkout Blocks
Tweak: Troubleshoot option for Flush Rewrite Rules
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.5
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce v8.7.0
Fix: Cookie is not set on the browser when using the Landing Page feature[Conflict with Credit Last Referrer]
New: Option for affiliates to transfer their unpaid commission to Inbuilt Wallet
New: Shortcode to display the Commission Transfer Form
New: Pagination Length added for tables displayed in Affiliate Dashboard
New: Date Range filter added in the Reports tab
New: Date & Respective Table Filters added in Affiliate Dashboard
New: Added "Mark as Unpaid" filter in Bulk Action at the Referrals Table
Tweak: Improvement made in Affiliate Request Submitted Shortcode
Tweak: Validation improvement in displaying Referral Code field[Affiliate Registration Form, Checkout Form, Signup Form]
Tweak: Improvement made in Reports Filter
Tweak: Improvement made in Email Opt-in Module
Tweak: Code Improvements
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.4.3
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce v8.5.2
Fix: Issue when installing the plugin
Fix: Fatal error in Payout Request Table
Fix: Disable IP Logging option is not working
Tweak: Improvement in displaying the Wallet Transaction Logs at the admin end
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.4.1
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce v8.3.1
Fix: Fatal error in Affiliate Fee module[Conflict with SUMO Subscriptions Compatibility]
Fix: Unable to create the affiliates manually by the admin[Conflict with SUMO Pre-Orders Compatibility]
Fix: Fatal error in Affiliates List Table
Fix: PHP Errors Fixed
New: Added Pagination option in Visits menu at the admin end
Tweak: Improvement in pagination at the admin end
Tweak: Validation in WooCommerce Referral Restriction module when the value didn't set
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.3.1
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce v8.2.0
Tweak: Code Improvements
Tweak: Improvement in Payout Statements Module
Tweak: Improvement in displaying the Referral Commission Amount in an email based on Decimal Separator
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.2.2 and WooCommerce v7.8.0
Fix: Compatibility Issue with SUMO Payment Plans Plugin[Getting Internal Server Error at Checkout]
Fix: Incorrect commission calculated when using coupon linked with Affiliate[Issue with Inclusive Tax Setup]
Fix: Wallet funds are not deducting properly from the Affiliate Account[Issue with Inclusive Tax Setup]
Tweak: Improvement in Thousand Separator field
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.2 & WooCommerce v7.7.0
Fix: Affiliate Fee is not working when approving the application manually
New: Admin can assign affiliates when manually creating orders
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce v7.4.1
New: WooCommerce Product Commission Module[Affiliates can see the Product Commission Rate(s) in the Dashboard]
Tweak: Improvement in generating Payout in Bulk Action
Tweak: Improvement in calculating MLM Commission
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce v7.3.0
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.1.1 & WooCommerce v7.2.2
Tweak: Code Improvements
Tweak: Improvement made in Pagination displayed at Affiliate Dashboard
Fix: Incorrect Currency displayed in Referral Order Details[Compatibility with WooCommerce Currency Switcher Professional by realmag777]