Struninn - Digital Items and Auctions - UI Cards for Elementor 1.0.0

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Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessStruninn - Digital Items and Auctions - UI Cards for Elementor 1.0.0 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is rar Extention type and 39 KB File size. From Struninn - Digital Items and Auctions - UI Cards for Elementor have 52 Views.

Easy to Use/Install

As an Elementor widget, this is really easy to install and use! Once installed the widgets will appear on the Elementor editor. After that, just drag them and start customizing!


The Struninn UI Cards – Digital Items and Auctions plugin allows you to easily display customizable cards in your site!.You can show your customized cards by using any of the following options:

Template Functions

The plugin provides a function for each widget template that you can use to get its HTML and can modify its output via the respective function arguments. Please check the Template Functions page for more details.

WordPress Shortcodes

You can use shortcodes to display the widgets in WordPress posts and pages. Please check the WordPress Shortcodes page for more details.

Elementor Widgets

All widgets included in the plugin can be inserted via Elementor Widgets in your Elementor pages. Please check the Elementor Widgets page for more details.
Extention type
File size
39 KB
First release
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