SparkPost Mail Transport

SparkPost Mail Transport 3.1.1

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handle WhatsNewDigest emails in this addon rather than via adapter
check for WndSparkPost adapter during setup and fail until it is removed - it is incompatible with this version
change execution order of XF\Admin\Controller\Tools class extension
Minor bugfix to explicitly enforce admin permissions on admincp tools
bugfix - fix a bug in exception handling in AbstractHttpTransport
addresses a bug in an underlying SparkPost package which resulted in the from header not containing the forum title
Some composer dependencies were missing from the 3.0.0 release, causing issues with bounced email handling on some platforms that didn't already have those dependencies installed via other addons. This release fixes the issue.
Version 3.x of this addon will only work on XenForo 2.3.x - do not try to install it on an earlier version.
no change log for this version
  • add composer dependency of "symfony/translation": "^5.0" (used by nesbot/carbon) to avoid installing v6.0 which breaks compatibility with older versions installed by other addons
bugfix: strip uri prefix returned in uri from paged responses

I suspect this is actually a bug in the Sparkpost API provided by the vendor - but I would need to do further tests to verify this. Either way, I've coded a workaround which should hopefully work.

NOTE: this release is identical to the previous version uploaded. I accidentally entered the wrong version number (v2.2.1) into resource manager when uploading the previous version - but the download is actually v2.1.1. If you have already downloaded v2.1.1 you do not need to download this version.

  • required parameter specified after optional parameter in SubContainer/SparkPost::logJobProgress - reorder function parameters to make this more usable
  • required parameter specified after optional parameter in Test/AbstractTest::message - just make them both required
  • explicitly list "egulias/email-validator": "^2.0" as a requirement so that we don't run into problems with the version shipped with XenForo
Important: if you also run my CLI JobRunner addon - you must update that to the new v2.1.0 release before updating this addon (or as soon as you can after updating this one).