Sourcerer Pro

Sourcerer Pro 10.1.3

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Joomla Compatibility
  1. 3.x
  2. 4.x
  3. 5.x
JoomlaOrg Link
Place PHP and any kind of HTML, CSS and JavaScript code right into your content!
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business Sourcerer Pro 10.1.3 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 1.4 MB File size. From Sourcerer Pro have 18 discussion, 14 Updates, 1 Reviews, 545 Views.

Not only in your articles, but also in categories, modules, components, the head of the HTML page, etc.
You can simply place your custom codes right into your WYSIWYG Editor. The only thing you have to do is surround the code with the Sourcerer plugin tags. Easy peasy!
So with Sourcerer, now you can also use PHP scripts in your content. That opens up a great deal of possibilities.
Normally, most Joomla! Text Editors will strip parts of your HTML code, like JavaScripts (e.g. statistics scripts) and video embed tags. With Sourcerer you won't have these limitations.
Extention type
File size
1.4 MB
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings
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Latest updates

10.1.3 - changelog
# Fixes issue php error when uploading media
10.1.2 - changelog
^ Updates some deprecated code # Fixes issue with php error about replaceTagsByType getting...
10.1.1 - changelog
v10.1.1 # Fixes issue with RegularLabs\Scoped being output in some cases v10.1.0 + Also...
10.0.4 - changelog
v10.0.4 ^ Changes layout of editor button popup # Fixes issue with errors when trying to...
10.0.1 - changelog
v10.0.1 ^ Adds php code coloring in main code field # Fixes issue with plugin being run over...

Latest reviews

This will work with J5.

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