Solid Security / iThemes Security Pro

Solid Security / iThemes Security Pro 8.5.0 Nulled

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New: Users can register for an account using passkeys on WP Login.
Enhancement: Improve highlighting settings search results.
Bug Fix: Checkbox styling issue on WordPress 6.6.
Bug Fix: If Login Methods is set to "Email Only" use the user's email address for the passkey's name.
Bug Fix: Fire an action when a vulnerability is unresolved due to plugin activation.
Bug Fix: The Security Dashboard widget would not appear on new Solid Security installs.
Bug Fix: Activating a Patchstack license on sites with a www. subdomain would not show the license as active.
Tweak: Remove the list of sites with a Patchstack license. Instead, only show the license status of the current site, and the available licenses remaining.
Tweak: Remove the ability to fallback to a non-https connection to the SolidWP API.
New: The "Trusted Devices" user experience has been reworked to make it clearer and simpler, especially for end users. Learn more:
Enhancement: Allow generating a new Two-Factor TOTP secret from the WP-Login UI.
Bug Fix: The SolidWP logo appeared too large in some email clients.
Bug Fix: An error would occur if we could not determine the length of database columns while saving log items.
no change log this version
New: The Firewall page has a new IP Management tab to provide easy access to blocking or authorizing IP addresses.
New: Usage Data Sharing (opt-in only) allows users to share non-personal and non-sensitive information with StellarWP to inform decisions about how to improve Solid Security in the future.
Enhancement: The "Trusted Devices" manager has been redesigned and relocated to the Security Profile tabbed UI.
Enhancement: Add a snackbar notice when making changes on the Firewall Configure page.
Enhancement: Make the GDPR Optin text in the CAPTCHA module more visible.
Tweak: Remove some straggling references and links to iThemes.
Tweak: Consistently refer to 2FA as Two-Factor Authentication on the Profile page.
Tweak: Allow performing more Site Scan actions when the issue is muted.
Bug Fix: Truncate log item columns that are too long before inserting into the database.
Bug Fix: Consistently order the Security Profile tabs.
Bug Fix: Add missing text domain to new Solid Security Admin Menu items.
Bug Fix: Reset filters on the Vulnerabilities page when starting a Site Scan.
Bug Fix: PHP warning on the logs page when the File Change module logs unexpected data.
New: Refreshed UI for manging per-user security settings like Passwordless Login, Passkeys, Two-Factor and Privilege Escalation. The previous Two-Factor UI can be enabled using the SOLID_SECURITY_LEGACY_2FA_UI constant.
New: A new block "Solid Security User Security Settings" let's you display this UI on the front-end of your website. The [solid_security_user_profile_settings] shortcode can be used if you're not yet using the Block Editor.
Important: Solid Security now requires WordPress 6.3 or later.
Enhancement: Display a snackbar notice when sending a 2FA reminder from the Site Scan page.
Enhancement: Include a link directly to the Patchstack database in the Site Scanner alert email.
Tweak: Remove iThemes Security is now Solid Security banners from the admin.
Bug Fix: An error occurred when trying to create a new Firewall rule as a draft.
Bug Fix: Trying to enable Network Brute Force from the Security messages center linked to the wrong place.
Bug Fix: During onboarding, a double scrollbar was displayed on some screen sizes.
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Reactions: javabek
New: Add support for creating custom firewall rules.
Enhancement: Add support for configuring firewall settings from the Firewall page.
Bug Fix: The firewall page would appear empty when geolocation could not retrieve a country code.
Security: Harden SolidWP Updater against XSS attacks. Thanks to Robin Wood ( for disclosing this issue.
Security: Don't disclose the login URL when using Hide Backend on a site with comments enabled and comment registration required. Thanks to Naveen Muthusamy for disclosing this issue.
Hardening: Check for the promote_user capability when using Privilege Escalation in addition to edit_user.
Tweak: Remove the iThemes Security is now Solid Security banner from admin-facing email notifications.
Bug Fix: Prevent the User Security page from crashing when "Show Avatars" is disabled in the WordPress discussion settings.
Bug Fix: Fix some filters on the User Security page not working as expected.
Bug Fix: Fix spacing on the Two-Factor form when backup methods are enabled.
Update: The lib/updater library has been updated to 1.8.1
Enhancement: Add a `wp ithemes-licensing set-licensed-url` WP-CLI command.
Bug Fix: Fix fatal error when there is an error retrieving Patchstack license information.
Bug Fix: Styling issues on WordPress 6.4.