Social Auto Poster

Social Auto Poster 5.4.7 Nulled

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[*] Fix: Fixed PHP version issue with Telegram library.
[+] New: Added validation of license code on updating the script.
* [+] New: Added WordPress filters so developer can modify posting gallery images for Instagram.
* [*] Fix: Optimized the plugin code.
Upgraded Facebook Graph API for Instagram. Account reconnection needed for Instagram.
* [*] Fix: Optimized the plugin code.
* [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of content limit with Facebook & Instagram posting.
* [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of hourly schedule settings.
[+] New: Added a feature of multiple image posting on Instagram.
* [+] New: Added a compatibility with HPOS.
* [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of content limit with Linkedin posting.
New: Announcement added about Linkedin API method being deprecated.
* [*] Fix: Optimized the plugin code.
* [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of LinkedIn account getting removed upon save.
New: Added licensing validation to use the plugin.