ShopEngine Pro

ShopEngine Pro 2.5.7 Nulled

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Improved: Partial Payment module
Fixed: Flash sale module calculation issue
Fixed: Sales notification thumbnail issue
Fixed: Single product page loading issue for Pre-Order module
Added: Sticky fly cart icon changing option
Fixed: Comparison module issue with product attributes
Fixed: Partial payment issue with variable product
Fixed: Product filter widget issue
New: Partial payment more than two installments support
Fixed: Best selling product widget issue
Fixed: Deprecated issue with PHP 8.2
Improved: Empty cart default design.
Fixed: woocommerce_thankyou hook not working if activate the thank you page template.
Fixed: UI issue for backorder module.
Fixed: Avatar widget icon issue.
Fixed: Shipping form widget additional field re-ordering issue.
Fixed: Sales notification product image issue.
Improved: Performance for order query for HPOS.
Added: Option to change Back Order module message.
Fixed: On Sale filter doesn't show the variable products.
Fixed: Cross sell popup product quantity issue with default post quantity settings.
Fixed: Add to cart button not showing on best selling product widget.
Improved: Lost password and reset password template names.
Fixed: Default currency from currency module setting were not working.
Fixed : Direct access using file path.
Added: Compatibility for WooCommerce HPOS updates.
Fixed: ShopEngine icon not showing in product carousel widget.
Fixed: Error in account order details page.
Fixed: Overflow issue in product carousel.
Fixed: Border width in product size chart widget.
Added: Product Carousel widget.
Fixed: Discount price in badge module.
Fixed: Checkout additional field order details in the checkout page.
Fixed: My Account Reset/Lost Password Form widget control issues.
Fixed: The next button should hide at the last step.
Fixed: Selected currency was not showing in currency switcher.
Improved: Hide next button in last step of multistep checkout form.
Fixed: Acccount reset and lost password form issues.
Fixed: Additional field and discount issue fixed.