RSForm! Pro

RSForm! Pro 3.3.7

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  • Updated - UIkit 3 updated to v3.21.6
  • Updated - Foundation updated to v6.8.1
  • Fixed - Submissions can be confirmed only once to prevent re-sending emails.
  • Fixed - Some Form Layouts would generate unnecessary validation placeholders for 'Free Text' and 'Field Preview' fields.
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Reactions: lorus
19 Jun 2024

Version 3.3.6​

  • Added - 'Table Alignment' parameter for the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item.
  • Updated - 'Checkbox Group' and 'Radio Group' fields now use @m classes when Form Layout is set to UIkit 3.
  • Updated - 'Submissions - Directory' menu item's 'Dynamic Filtering Values' parameter now accepts static submission fields as well (e.g. DateSubmitted).
  • Fixed - 'Phone Number' field would not store the information when 'Use AJAX Validation' was set to 'Yes'.
  • Fixed - Saving old conditions would incorrectly order them last.
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Reactions: lorus
18 Jun 2024

Version 3.3.5​

  • Added - 'Phone Number' field.
  • Updated - 'Conditional Fields' can now be reordered.
  • Updated - Dragging and dropping form fields now works on mobile devices.
  • Fixed - When sending emails, repeating the same email in the recipient list would prevent further emails from being sent due to how the Joomla! Mailer class works.
27 May 2024

Version 3.3.4​

  • Added - 'Preview Field' - allowing you to preview the values from other form fields.
  • Added - 'Restricted Words' validation rule which disallows submissions containing defined words.
Fixed - Joomla! 5.1 Dark Mode fixes.
Fixed - 'Add to Backend Menu' was throwing an error on Joomla! 3
Fixed - In some cases the field properties were loading a cached incorrect version based on the default language.
  • Added - 'Edit Modal Width' option to increase the width of the field editing modal.
  • Updated - 'List of Disposable Email Domains' now accepts the * character as a wildcard to trigger part of the domain such as *.xz
  • Fixed - Forms added as backend menu items are no longer removed when updating the extension.
  • Fixed - When using Syntax Highlighting some Javascript errors could appear on the page in Joomla! 5 due to CodeMirror 6.
  • Fixed - Selecting a 'Default Ordering Column' in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item without actually setting the field as 'Show in Listing' would result in 0 submissions being displayed.
  • Fixed - Clearing an uploaded file when editing a submission through the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item would not actually delete the file.
  • Updated - In the 'Submissions - View' menu item the 'HTML Layout', 'Row Layout' and 'Details Layout' fields now show a CodeMirror editor for easier editing.
  • Fixed - An email address containing any of the / : ? @ characters would throw a PunycodeHelper error on Joomla! 4 and 5
  • Fixed - Further validation in the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item to prevent SQL errors from showing up.
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Reactions: lorus and Pichard
Added - Joomla! 5 native compatibility - no longer needs the 'Behaviour - Backward Compatibility' plugin.
23 Oct 2023

Version 3.2.2​

  • Added - 'Date and Time Picker' has the following validation rules available: 'Regex', 'Same Value as Other Field', 'Unique Field' and 'Unique Field per User'
  • Updated - Dark Mode in Joomla! 5 was unreadable.
  • Updated - Some Joomla! 5 code improvements.
  • Updated - Using Uikit3 @m classes for column sizing.
  • Updated - Bumped minimum requirements to use PHP 5.5
  • Fixed - Reply-To could be missing entirely when specifying multiple 'Reply-To' emails.
  • Fixed - Tooltips were not showing up in Joomla! 5 when editing a form field.
  • Fixed - In some cases restoring a backup from an old version of RSForm! Pro would throw an error.
  • Fixed - In some cases the 'Save Data To Database' option would not work correctly.
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Reactions: aiceejunks
10 Oct 2023
  • Updated - Birthday Field will now display the current year when 'End Year' is set to 0 or empty.
  • Updated - RSForm! Pro will no longer install on Joomla! 5 without the Behaviour - Backward Compatibility plugin being enabled first.
  • Fixed - Backend menus with no permissions were still showing up on Joomla! 4 with PHP 8+
  • Fixed - Some translations from 'Permissions' were no longer used.
  • Fixed - SEF Router will now create form paths as '1-form-name' instead of '1:form-name'.
  • Fixed - Some misconfigured hosts do not send emails if 'From Email' is set - if 'From Email' is left blank, emails now attempt to be sent.
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Reactions: lorus