RNS Sanz Font

RNS Sanz Font 2021-07-25

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessRNS Sanz Font 2021-07-25 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 1.2 MB File size. From RNS Sanz Font have 1 Description Attachments, 237 Views.
A neutral workhorse for any purpose, rational, clear, clean and functional: 7 weights, ramping from light to black, with small caps, files prepared for webfont use. Ideal use on signage systems and rational architecture.
RNS Sanz weights included:

  1. Light + Small caps Light
  2. Normal + Small caps Normal
  3. Medium + Small caps Medium
  4. SemiBold + Small caps SemiBold
  5. Bold + Small caps Bold
  6. ExtraBold + Small caps ExtraBold
  7. Black + Small caps Black
** Formats:**
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Reactions: Bubuuh
Extention type
File size
1.2 MB
First release
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