RideIn Taxi App- Android Taxi Booking App With Admin Panel

Tested RideIn Taxi App- Android Taxi Booking App With Admin Panel 3.7

No permission to download
- Driver document issue resolved
- Minor bug fixed
- Upgraded from PHP 7.4 to PHP v8.3.9
- Upgraded from Laravel 7 to Laravel v10.48.16
- Remove the default Google language translate of admin to Laravel default language
- Now set Timezone of admin from admin site setting
- Upgraded Laravel mix to Vite 5.2
- Payment gateway page layout changed in admin
- Some android bug fixed
- Android app will now support android 14 version
- As per new google policy to migrate legacy FCM till 20th june 2024
Migrate from legacy FCM APIs to HTTP v1
- Some bugs are resolved in admin panel.
- Android rider app - search Google map location will show data as per rider country registration.
- Hebrew language is added in the rider and driver app.
- In the rider and driver app as per the new Google policy map sdk dependencies are updated.
- According to Google policy PayPal dependencies in both apps are updated.
- In the admin panel mobile device type android/iOS added in the rider and driver list.
- In the admin dashboard total Android and iOS user statistics are added.
- Razorpay payment gateway integrated
- Driver floating widget icon added
- Rating and feedback skip option added
- customer can now track the driver coming towards the pickup location
- Driver alert notification sound changed
- Minor bug fixed