Ramom School - Multi Branch School Management System

Nulled Ramom School - Multi Branch School Management System 6.6 Nulled

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Author emmie
Creation date
no change log for this version
Added – PHP 8.2 Support (Beta).
Added – Addon Will Support Online Updates.
Added – Marksheet Template with Background and Signature.
Added – Subject Wise Attendance.
Added – Alumni Modules.
Added – Multi Class.
Added – Added User Login Log.
Added – News in Front-end.
Added – Check Admission Status By Front-End Online Admission Page.
Added – “Student / Parent” Panel Teachers “Mobile/email” show/hide Configable Option.
Added – Student/Parent Login Enable/Disable Option.
Added – Student Profile Page Sibling Information.
Added – “Show only own questions” config option to Online Exams.
Added – Attendance overview reports.
Added – Student profile page in fee collect button.
Added – Pagination List To Front-End Events Page.
Update – Student Promotion Modules.
Update – Student Profile Page Support System Student Field.
Update – Razorpay Payment API.
Fixed – RTL Issue.
Fixed – Mobile Printing Issue.
Fixed – Fee Collect Loading Issue.
Fixed – Invoice Order Issue.
Fixed – Gmeet Issue.
Fixed – DATE OF BIRTH wHen Not Entered Shows Date Of “10Th-Sept-1960”.
Fixed – Toyyibpay Issue.
Fixed – Recaptcha Issue.
Fixed – Student Profile Loading/Opening Issue.
Fixed – Payment History Showing Issue.
Fixed – Product Unit Shown Category List Issue.
Fixed – Product List Shown Other Branch Issue.
Fixed – Event Showing Website Issue.
Fixed – Student Promotion Issue.
Fixed – Front-End Responsive design Issues.
Fixed All Known Bugs.
We have made many minor changes and Performance improvements.
  • Added – Addon Installer.
  • Added – Addon Will Support Online Updates.
  • Added – RTL ( Right to Left ).
  • Added – Exam Class Possitin/Rank.
  • Added – Exam Status Enable/Disable Option.
  • Added – Enable/Disable Option To Publish Exam Results.
  • Added – Exam Mark Register Validation Check.
  • Added – Report Card Principal’s Comment And Teachers Comment Save.
  • Added – Offline Payment Automatic Fine Add.
  • Added – Currency Format Configable.
  • Added – Currency Symbol position Configable.
  • Added – Login Page Each School Name And Address.
  • Added – Quick Exam Schedule Creation Feature.
  • Added – Quick Class Schedule Creation Feature.
  • Added – Office Accounting Attachment File Download Option.
  • Fixed – Branch Loading Issue.
  • Fixed – Roll Already Exists In Other Session.
  • Fixed – Inventory Category Edit Issue.
  • Fixed – Inventory Module Not Hide In Sidebar.
  • Fixed – Inventory Sales Not Found In Admin Role.
  • Fixed – All Branch Product Showing Selling Page.
  • Fixed – Parent Not Being Added.
  • Updated twilio SMS API.
  • Updated Zoom API Update JWT to OAuth.
  • Fixed All Known Bugs.
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Reactions: Davyvile
- Added Inventory Modules.
- Added Google Meet Live Class.
- Added Nepalste Payment Gateway (Nepali).
- Added Student Fees Revert will be Adjust with Office Accounting.
- Added "Next Follow Up Date" On the Admission Enquiry Page.
- Updated Zoom API.
- Fixed - Exam Result, Certificate, Progress Reports Generate and Print Issue.
- Fixed - Student ID Card User Details Not Match Issue.
- Fixed - Due Fees Report Frist Name Dobule Issue.
- Fixed - Due Fees Report "Previous Session Balance" Not Included Issue.
- Fixed - Due Fees Invoice "Previous Session Balance" Not Found Issue.

- Fixed - Fees Pay Status "Partly Paid" Showing Issue.
- Fixed - Whatsapp Subtitle Issue.
- Fixed - Office Accounting "Opening Balance" Issue.
- Fixed - Website Contact Form Email Issue.
- Fixed - Student Panel Own Attendance View Issue.
- Fixed - Student Panel Profile Photo Upload Issue.
- Fixed - Some Users Have Issue Importing(CSV) Online Exam Questions.
- Fixed - Exam Schedule List Appears Duplicate In Student Panel.

- Fixed - After Students Submit Their Homework To The Teacher, It is Not Reflecting as "Submitted".
- Fixed - User Panel Payment History Tab Under Fees History is Responsive Issue.
- Fixed - All Known Bugs.
- Added Phpmailer Engine.
- Added Smtp Send Test Email In Email Setting Page.
- Added Different Registration Number Prefix For Each Branch.
- Added Register Number Start From And Digit Number Configurable.
- Added Weekend For Each Branch.
- Added Holiday Event Link To Attendance And Automatic Holiday Status In Attendance Report.
- Added In Attendance "Half Day" Option.
- Added Attendance Percentage (%) In Report Page.
- Added Daily Attendance Reports.
- Added Custom Sms Support Dlt_template_id.
- Added Fee Reminder Dlt_template_id.
- Added Login Out Then Redirect Own School Website.
- Added Event Edit Option And Events Module Has Been Updated.
- Added Paytm Payment Gateway (Indian).
- Added Toyyibpay Payment Gateway (Malaysian).
- Added Payhere Payment Gateway(Sri Lankan).
- Fixed - Global Email Updating Feature.
- Fixed - 3 Copy Slip Admin Role Access Denied.
- Fixed - Custom Sms Not Sent From "Bulk Sms And Email" Module.
- Fixed - Faq Page And Event Page Banner Images Are The Same.
- Fixed All Known Bugs.
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Reactions: Davyvile
- Added support for School Subscription (Saas) addon.
- Added Online exam CSV questions Import.
- Added 3 Copies Of Students Fee Payslip Print.
- Added Footer Branch Switcher Enable/disable Feature.
- Update Front-end bootstrap 5.2.
- Update Flutterwave API.
- Fixed - Custom Sms Sending Issue.
- Fixed - Section Click Then Redirect Home Page.
- Fixed - Employee Payslip Global Logo Issue.
- Fixed All Known Bugs.
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Reactions: Davyvile
- Added Reception Module.
- Added Birthday Wishes.
- Added Online Exam Fee Payment Feature.
- Added Online Exam Rank (Position With Remark).
- Added Online Exam Question List View.
- Added Online Exam Published Sms Notification.
- Added Different Currency And Symbols For Each Branch.
- Added Report Card Student Image.
- Added Report Card Subject Wise Remark.
- Added Exam Progress Report Card (With Cumulative Average, Class Average, Subject Position).
- Added New Receptionist Role.
- Added Bulksmsbd Sms Gateway(Bangladeshi).
- Update Bulksms API.
- Fixed Student Profile Issue.
- Fixed Report Card Remark Issue.
- Fixed All Known Bugs.
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Reactions: Davyvile
nulled it ,and remove all callback.
disable update connect