QuickCal - Appointment Booking Calendar for WordPress

QuickCal - Appointment Booking Calendar for WordPress 1.0.15

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IMPROVED: Appearance of variations to use title instead of slug where possible and make them more readable
IMPROVED: Support for WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
FIXED: Issue where in some instances appointments were not properly cleared and dates became unviewable in backend calendar view
FIXED: Multiple instances of deprecated code
FIXED: Error related to Stripe add-on for WooCommerce which impacted WP admin
FIXED: Issue where Add to Calendar button was not showing correctly for all users

change log for this version on link
* **FIXED:** - Arrows misaligned on appointment calendar inside WP admin mobile
* **FIXED:** - Upcoming appointments widget on WP Dashboard
* **FIXED:** - WooCommerce order validation error
* **FIXED:** - Edit button css