Promotions and discounts (3x2, sales, offers, packs)

Promotions and discounts (3x2, sales, offers, packs) 2.1.45

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  1. 1.6.x
  2. 1.7.x
  3. 8.x
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessPromotions and discounts (3x2, sales, offers, packs) 2.1.45 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 1.6 MB File size. From Promotions and discounts (3x2, sales, offers, packs) have 3 Description Attachments, 6 discussion, 3 Updates, 519 Views.
promotions-and-discounts-3x2-sales-offers-packs (1).webp

Increase your benefits. Offer your clients attractive discounts! Increase your conversions with effective promotions that promote sales! Increase your ticket by purchasing more items to get more discounts!

Create any discount with the cheapest and most expensive items. Forexample, you can create rules like "Buy one, and get the cheapest (or the most expensive) one free”, “Buy 4 items, and get the most expensive one at 50% discount”, etc.

Discount the price of any item to a fixed value. Put a fixed price on items and get promotions like “Buy one shirt and get another for only 10€” or “All socks for only 5€!"

Create promotions like "a 30% discount for every second item (the 2nd, the 4th, the 6th)” or "get every third item (the 3rd, the 6th, the 9th) free”. You can make offers like: "Get one out of every five items free", "Buy 3 items from a specific category and get one of them with a 50% discount”.

Create promotions like "Buy 3, 4, 5, etc. items at their normal price and, from then onwards, each item for €50 or with a 20% discount". You can configure it so that the most expensive items are charged at normal price and the cheaper items qualify for a discount, or vice versa. You can limit the number of elements to discount. You can create rules like "Buy 2 books at the normal price and get 2 more at 50% discount” or “Buy 3 bags at the normal price and any additional ones for 100€".

Create promotions like "Buy 3 items at the normal price and get a discount for every second extra item (or 3rd, or 4th, etc.) that you buy.
  • promotions-and-discounts-3x2-sales-offers-packs (2).webp
    promotions-and-discounts-3x2-sales-offers-packs (2).webp
    163.7 KB · Views: 0
  • promotions-and-discounts-3x2-sales-offers-packs.webp
    147.8 KB · Views: 0
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1.6 MB
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Latest updates

  1. 2.1.45 - 7/10/2023
    Improved compatibility with PS 8
  2. V2.1.42(05/06/2022) - 2.1.42(05/06/2022)
    Improved compatibility with PS 1.7.8
  3. 2.1.37 - 2.1.37(07/03/2021)
    Improved compatibility with PS 1.7

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