Product Options : Additional Product Fields & Attributes

Product Options : Additional Product Fields & Attributes 1.2.4

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PrestaShop Compatibility
  1. 1.7.x
  2. 8.x
managing and adding additional product attributes to all of them will take store owners a long time
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Download and Discuss Premium, Business Product Options : Additional Product Fields & Attributes 1.2.4 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 203.4 KB File size. From Product Options : Additional Product Fields & Attributes have 1 Description Attachments, 1 discussion, 1 Updates, 78 Views.

Each online store may have many products; managing and adding additional product attributes to all of them will take store owners a long time. PrestaShop already offers "Attributes & Features" feature but the shop owner must add them separately for each product, which is very time-consuming and effort, especially for stores that have hundreds of products or more.

By adding global extra options (custom product attributes) for all or most of the products in the store and creating price impact for each option, our PrestaShop custom product attribute module - "Product Options" - will help solve this problem, save your time, and minimize workload.

Why you should choose the “Product Options” module?
  • Create global extra options for all products: you only need to create ONE time for an extra option and set the price impact. Then, that extra option will be applied to all products in your store.
  • Add specific extra options for each product: besides creating global extra options for all products, with our PrestaShop product customization module, you also can add specific extra options to individual products depending on your sales purposes.
  • Create option groups: you can create groups of extra options to group the options with the same purpose together. The extra options will be displayed in the front office in a neat, more scientific way and also easier to manage.
  • Edit both global and specific extra options conveniently from the module configuration page via the extra options list.

Display “Extra options” section on relevant positions: on the product detail page, shopping cart page, order confirmation page, order detail page, and on the email sent to customers.
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203.4 KB
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1.2.4 - 4/5/2024
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