Product Image Module

Product Image Module 1.6.8 Happy Version

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Author newimage
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Whmcs Compatibility
  1. 7.x
  2. 8.x
Bring attention to your products and services in WHMCS with product images!
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business Product Image Module 1.6.8 Happy Version version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 258.8 KB File size. From Product Image Module have 2 Description Attachments, 3 discussion, 2 Updates, 1 Reviews, 651 Views.
Bring attention to your products and services in WHMCS with product images! Our product image module allows you to easily upload and assign images to products, services, domains and bundles.

How It Works

With Product Images, you can:

  • Assign product images to products, services, domains and bundles.
  • Choose the compression ratio for images when uploaded.
  • Display product images on almost any product page where products and services are displayed (template dependent).
  • Automatically display a “no image” icon for products and services without an assigned image.


Using our Product Image module is easy! Simply use the configuration interface located in the WHMCS admin interface to upload images for each product/service in your inventory. These images will then be displayed on product pages when clients view existing services or order new products/services.

Try it now with a 30-day free trial!


Q: Do the images have to be a certain size?

A: Technically, no. However, through testing we have found that images with a height of 75px seem to work well with the modern theme we used for testing. We recommend that you test with your current theme to find the sizing that works the best. The Product Image module will automatically compress uploaded images to a desired size, if specified.

Q: What file types can I upload?

A: The module will automatically accept .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp, and .svg file types. The image uploaded will automatically be converted and stored as a .png file.

Q: What pages can I display my product images on?

A: You can display product images for any product or service, on almost any page within the client area and order form templates.
  • 1610-892-f7a8ff5746844302aaee185b44d7c403.png
    106 KB · Views: 0
  • 1614-892-a7fbe0c039787ad7a779ff75fec89018.png
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Extention type
File size
258.8 KB
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1.6.8 Happy Version - 1.6.8 Happy Version
nulled by @newimage enjoy it
1.6.8 untouched Version - 1.6.8
untouched version ,waiting nulled

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wow..nice share

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