PrivateContent - User Data add-on

PrivateContent - User Data add-on 3.5.4

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessPrivateContent - User Data add-on 3.5.4 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 445.3 KB File size. From PrivateContent - User Data add-on have 1 Description Attachments, 6 discussion, 6 Updates, 197 Views.

Download Free PrivateContent - User Data add-on Nulled CodeCanyon 2399731
User Data add-on boosts your PrivateContent plugin allowing you to create and use unlimited fields to record more informations from your users.

A powerful but yet simple wizard will guide you creating them. Then, will be automatically integrated in the PrivateContent engine and ready to be used in registration or custom forms.

Each field is dynamically validated and is also really flexible, letting you target what will be required.

String length, numeric ranges, multi-option checks, preset texts (integer and floating mubers, e-mail address, dates, url, etc) and also room to use advanced regex. Say goodbye fake data stored!

Datepicker comes along date fields and is also possible to use placeholders for textual fields. Finally custom fields can be added in users list and you can obviously sort and search users by them. Giving you the best overview possible to work better and faster!

User Data add-on gives you also the ability to create custom forms to let users edit their data autonomously. Yes, also password can be changed! Doing that is super simple: just create a new form, insert fields you prefer and eventually set which ones to be required.

Obviously also default PrivateContent fields can be included. Plus you can also set a redirect once form has been fulfilled.

As extra feature, owning Mail Actions add-on, an admin notification can be sent once an user submits a custom form. Useful for example to know when data is changed or an user is active.
Extention type
File size
445.3 KB
First release
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Latest updates

  1. 3.5.4 - 24/01/2025
    added little field ID helper aside of field label in form builder fixed conditional field...
  2. v3.4.2 - 5 April 2023
    FIXED javascript error occurring triggering events when GA4 integration is not active
  3. v3.4.1 - 4 April 2023
    NEW Google analytics 4 integration

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