Print Support Ticket Module for Perfex CRM

Print Support Ticket Module for Perfex CRM 1.0.0

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Author matthew
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Print Support Ticket Add-on Module for Perfex CRM by DSU INFOTECH (Paid Module)
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business Print Support Ticket Module for Perfex CRM 1.0.0 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 11 KB File size. From Print Support Ticket Module for Perfex CRM have 283 Views.
Print Support Ticket Add-on Module for Perfex CRM by DSU INFOTECH (Paid Module)
Changelog (Initial Release)

* Admin can Print PDF of Whole Support ticket in a Professional Design
* Admin can Download the PDF of Support Ticket
* Support Details PDF Will be sent on client email when New ticket raised
* All the Custom Fields can be shown on PDF
* Admin can add the Slogan in Footer
* Admin can add Bank Details & T&C in Text Area will be shown in Footer
* Admin can change the title of PDF
* Admin can change the Title colour
* admin can change mode of PDF like Portrait or Landscap
* Option to On/Off Attach PDF in Email
* Assign Permission which staff can change the settings of this module

*T & C*
Please Don't Share this Module outside because this Module Developed based on Some Customization Requirement and Paid $380 for Development of this Module.
This Module Designed by Become Digital (An Initiative of DSU INFOTECH®)
Sharing this Module FREE Because i have received too many resources free of cost from here. so simply just i want to contribute to our community. I will check if this module will found outside the than will don't share upcoming modules.
My development team already working for Full Featured SMS Module will Trigger on every transactions, comments, projects, discussion and more another module for Date of Birth & Anniversary wishes to client on Email and SMS and last one is Expense Approval for Admin if expense entered by staff.
Extention type
File size
11 KB
First release
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