Perfmatters - Plugin Developed To Speed Up Your WordPress Site

Perfmatters - Plugin Developed To Speed Up Your WordPress Site 2.3.1 Nulled

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Author matthew
Creation date
* Added Delay JS quick exclusion and REST route exception for WS Form.
* Adjusted built-in WooCommerce stylesheet exclusions for better compatibility.
* Updated and FastClick script names for ad blocker compatibility.
* Fixed a PHP 8.2 deprecated warning coming from the CSS class.
* Fixed a Script Manager CSS issue where certain disable controls weren't hiding correctly in some cases.
* Removed unnecessary .git directory from background processor library folder.
* Script Manager security updates to fix XSS vulnerability.
* Translation updates.
* Added Delay JS quick exclusions for Presto Player, Raptive Ads, Slickstream, and WP Recipe Maker.
* Added new WP-CLI command to clear used CSS with multisite support.
* Added support for Google Material Symbols and Icons to local font feature.
* Added support for excluding by no-lazy class to CSS Background Images.
* Added support for lazy loading the poster attribute when set for a video tag.
* Made adjustments to CSS class to allow for stylesheet's to be excluded by any portion of their attribute string.
* Made some styling improvements to the YouTube preview thumbnail play button on hover.
* Fixed an issue where delayed stylesheets would be loaded in twice if individual JS delay was also being used.
* Updated Google Analytics 4 minimal script to version 1.10.
* Translation updates.
* Fixed a compatibility issue with local fonts and WordPress 6.3.2 that was causing an error when new font files were requested.
* Added Delay JS quick exclusion for WP Forms.
* Script Manager style updates to match some recent changes to the main settings UI.
* Script Manager security updates to form submission handling.
* Added logic to strip whitespace from input row text fields used for preloads, preconnects, and fetch priority options.
* Adjusted CDN Regex slightly to account for certain subdirectory formats.
* Added specification to lazyload exclusion to only skip the fetchpriority attribute when set to high.
* Added Cornerstone request parameter to excluded page builders array.
* Updated certain AJAX action names to be specific to Perfmatters to prevent conflicts.
* Updated missing image dimension function to better handle images that have been prepped by lazy loaders outside of Perfmatters.
* Added Novashare discount link to plugin settings UI for Perfmatters customers.
* Fixed an issue where the database optimization process would not run correctly if selected toggles were not saved first.
* Fixed an issue in MU Mode where core cookie constants were not set in a specific instance when checking for the current post ID.
* Translation updates.
Fixed an issue that was preventing CodeMirror input fields from saving correctly.
* Reworked the majority of the UI to use WordPress AJAX to save data and perform plugin actions.
* Renamed Bricks Delay JS quick exclusion, as it can be used to target more than just their slider.
* Adjusted clean_html utility function regex to better handle large inline data scripts.
* Added skip-lazy class to built-in lazy loading exclusions.
* Added right-to-left admin styles for better usability on RTL sites.
* Fixed an issue where certain HTML characters would not print correctly when saved in a fetch priority selector input field.
* Fixed an issue where fetch priority selectors would sometimes not get the correct priority applied when set to low.
* Fixed a typo in the fetch priority tooltip.
* Updated background processing library to version 1.1.1.
* Translation updates.
* Added new preload option to add the Fetch Priority attribute to different resources on the site to help improve LCP.
* Added built-in lazy loading exclusion for fetchpriority attribute.
* Added Delay JS quick exclusion for Termageddon + Usercentrics.
* Switched indvidual JS delay to use the same inline script as delay all to take advantage of delayed triggering of event listeners.
* Fixed an issue where an empty notice was appearing when a database optimization process completed.
* Fixed an issue with critical image preloads where an image with an empty src attribute would prevent other similar ones from being added on the same URL.
* UI improvements to input row sections.
* Added new lazy loading advanced option to Exclude Images by Parent Selector.
* Added built-in exclusion to Delay JS for jqueryParams inline script to prevent load order issues.
* Added additional built-in exclusions to Remove Unused CSS for better compatibility with Elementor.
* Added HTTPS check to PERFMATTERS_CACHE_URL definition.
* Updated Script Manager UI to sort plugins alphabetically by plugin name as well as assets inside each individual section alphabetically by script handle.
* Fixed an issue where plugins without any enqueued scripts would not always show up in the Script Manager (MU Mode) after visiting the global view.
* Updated background processing library to version 1.1.0.
* Translation updates.
* Added WP-CLI support for managing plugin license key activation.
* Changed behavior of Disable Cart Fragments toggle to only load cart fragmentation script when there are items in the cart.
* Added default array for critical image preload exclusions that are always needed.
* Added additional Delay JS quick exclusions for Bricks Slider and WP Armour.
* Added additional built-in exclusions for Remove Unused CSS for better compatibility with Elementor and Google Reviews Widget.
* Updated lazy loading fade-in effect to use CSS animation property instead of transition for better compatibility with existing element transitions.
* Added requirement for advanced options to be turned on to be able to defer jQuery.
* Added WP-CLI request exclusion to MU plugin functions.
* Fixed a PHP warning that could sometimes be generated if an image was not able to be parsed for missing dimensions.
* Updated library to version 5.2.0.
* Translation updates.
* Added new delay JS option for Quick Exclusions that will show up when certain popular plugins and themes are activated.
* Made some updates to the Script Manager UI to match recent changes to the main plugin settings.
* Cleared out some code for the previous settings admin header that was no longer needed.
* Made an adjustment to CDN URL function to work even if a trailing slash was entered.
* Rearranged our local and Google font options to give frequently used options more priority.
* Fixed a bug where multiple settings sections were displaying at the same time after saving from the database tab.
* Fixed an issue where accessibility mode tooltips were not getting styled properly in the plugin UI.
* Fixed a styling issue where link and button colors were getting applied outside of the main Perfmatters admin container.
* Fixed an issue in MU Mode where the global filtered plugin list would not always return correctly.
* Translation updates.