Payment Gateway Allocator For WHMCS

Untouched Payment Gateway Allocator For WHMCS 1.3.1 Not Nulled

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Whmcs Compatibility
  1. 8.x
Payment Gateway Allocator For WHMCS is a vastly practical module
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business Untouched - Payment Gateway Allocator For WHMCS 1.3.1 Not Nulled version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 4.1 MB File size. From Payment Gateway Allocator For WHMCS have 1 Description Attachments, 1 discussion, 1 Updates, 124 Views.

Payment Gateway Allocator For WHMCS is a vastly practical module that will automatically switch payment gateways available in the order form, depending on the location of your clients, their currency, or the amount to be paid.

You will be empowered to create various types of rules to limit the redirect and credit card payment gateways that your clients can choose from when placing the order. The module will let you define multiple invoice amount thresholds which, just like the selected countries and currencies, will determine the switching processes. Excluding certain clients as well as using the additional "Allowed" and "Blocked" options will help you tailor the allocation with even greater precision. Whenever needed, you will also be able to quickly copy the settings from one gateway to another.

Payment Gateway Allocator For WHMCS is a fine touch of personalization your business needs to stimulate core competitiveness and make your clients feel at home. Never miss an opportunity like this - get hold of the module right away!
Extention type
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4.1 MB
First release
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1.3.1 Not Nulled - Mar 26th, 2024
NEW FEATURE WHMCS V8.9 support BUG FIX Solved specific case where the list of gateway switching...

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