Pages by User Role for WordPress

Pages by User Role for WordPress

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Author Zechariah
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add Access Control to the following things in WordPress based on which Role the user has.
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business Pages by User Role for WordPress version on NullPro Community. It is rar Extention type and 116.1 KB File size. From Pages by User Role for WordPress have 1 Description Attachments, 2 discussion, 2 Updates, 217 Views.

Are you a WordPress developer or a Web Designer who uses WordPress to develop websites for your clients? Or are you a novice WordPress user?

Have you ever wanted not to show Pages, Posts, or Categories in the menu? Or wanted to restrict access to certain content on your website? With Pages by User Role, you can add Access Control to the following things in WordPress based on which Role the user has.

  • Pages
  • Posts
  • Categories
  • Custom Post Types added by third-party plugins
  • Custom Taxonomies (added by third-party plugins
  • WooCommerce (Products and Shop)
We have made this very easy with Pages by User Roles for WordPress.
The plugin also removes the Page, Post, Custom Post Type, Categories or Custom Taxonomies from search results and blog roll. You can hide Page and Categories from the menu when users are not logged in. You can also set a specific redirect URL for users that don’t have the required User Role.

It also works if you are using the custom menu feature built into WordPress. It will hide the menu items that has assigned a user Role when the user is not logged in.

List of features​

You will find the Pages by User Role Options Panel in the WordPress Settings menu


  • Set default redirect URL for users that does not have access to a Page, Post or Custom Post Type.
  • Enable comment filtering
  • Redirect to login
  • Support for WordPress User Roles
  • Support for Custom User Roles
  • Panic option if you restrict yourself from viewing a Custom Post Type
  • Enable Access Control to Custom Post Types
  • Restrict access to Custom Post Types in the Frontend by User Role
  • Restrict access to Access Control Metabox by User Role on Pages, Posts and Custom Post Types.
  • Restrict access to WooCommerce (Products)
  • Revert the Pages by User Role behavior to the backend instead of the original frontend.

Pages, Posts and Custom Post Types​

  • Quick overview of User Role Access on Page, Post and Custom Post Types
  • Set Access Control for Subscriber, Contributor, Author, Editor and Administrator
  • Set Access Control for custom User Roles (you need White Label Branding to create the Custom User Roles)
  • Set Access Control for Categories
  • Set individual redirect URL for each Pages, Posts and Custom Post types when a User Role doesn’t have access.
  • Hide individual Pages form the menu
  • Hide Categories from the menu
  • Hide individual Pages, Posts, Custom Posts Types and Categories from search results and blog roll
  • Restrict access to content by using Shortcodes. Access controlled by User Role pur_restricted pur_restricted_alt pur_not_logged_in
Extention type
File size
116.1 KB
First release
Last update
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Latest updates - April 16, 2024
New Feature: Add always Allow Usernames and always Disallow Usernames access control. Access by...
v1.7.1.10456 - 31 January 2023
New Feature: Added support for allowing specific usernames to login. Is useful if you need to...

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