Oxy Extras / OxyExtras

Oxy Extras / OxyExtras 1.4.7

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* [Copy to Clipboard] - New element for enabling users to copy text or dynamic data.
* [Social Share] - Added 'print' option for enabling users to print the page (or a specific area of the page).
* [Content Timeline] - Now supports changing the marker's vertical positioning (previously always centered).
* [OffCanvas] - Added focus trapping.
* [OffCanvas] - Fixed PHP warning if 'State on page load' setting is unset and has no value.
* [General] - Improved keyboard navigation across a number of elements.
* [Table of Contents] - Added option to use heading text as heading IDs inside content.
* [Slide Menu] - Added option to auto close menu if hashlink menu item clicked.
* [Content Timeline] - Now supports being inside nested repeaters.
* [Social Share Buttons] - Changed defaults to use X icon.
* [Carousel Builder] - Fixed issue with with carousel's preview mode showing error in builder if autoplay setting has no value.
* [Reading time] - Fixed issue where default words per minute value wasn't being used inside repeater when inside builder.
* [General] - Security patch.
Download Oxy Extras v1.4.3 Nulled Free
= v1.4.3 ( May 31, 2022 ) =

* [General] - Small update to all icons to better match Oxygen v4 UI.
* [Carousel Builder] - Prevent Repeater divs wrapping onto multiple lines inside the builder.
* [Read More] - Added seperate control for "transparent" gradient color.