OS Events Booking Pro

OS Events Booking Pro 5.0.5

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1. Fixed an incompatible issue with Joomla 5.2.3+

This could make custom field which you assigned to events might not be showed on registration form under certain condions.

2. Improve Frontend Registrants Management

Added feature to allow batch download invoices from registrants management in the frontend

3. Improve Events Management

Added a new column to show number of waiting list users for your events if waiting list is enabled

4. Improve Events Booking - Latest Registrants module

Added parameters to allow show/hide the columns currently being displayed

5. Added Schedule Task to allow deleting old QRCODEs

You can setup schedule task to QRCODEs which were created more than one day before to clean up / save hosting space

6. Updated EB Stripe Checkout Payment Plugin

Added advanced parameters to allow collect more information when users process payment at Stripe website like collecting phone number, billing address, Tax ID. This is not needed by most users, but sometime, you might need it for your own purpose

7. Various Bugs Fixes

- Allow setup placeholder for more field types like URL, Email, Number....
- Improve email validation on shopping cart to prevent registration if the email does not pass the rules defined in Email Domain Options in Joomla Users Management
- Added option to allow setup currency for each event when event is submitted from frontend of your site
1. Compatible With ACYMailing 10

The ACYMailing team recently release ACYMailing 10, which is a new major release of their extension. In that version, they made some backward incompatible changes, and that causes fatal error in Events Booking if you use Events Booking - AcyMailing plugin (on add/edit event and registration process). I updated the plugin to compatible with this latest version of ACYMailing, and need to release this new version of Events Booking to make sure everything will continue working well if you use the plugin and updated to ACYMailing 10.

2. Improve Custom Field

- Allow easier choosing more client validation rule for custom field as described in documentation docs.joomdonation.com/eventsbooking/basi...ted-validation-rules . You can choose some new rules for your custom field using Validation Rules setting.
- For quantity field, show available quantity of each option even for super users/administrators

3. Other Improvements

- Allow controlling Deposit Amount Apply For setting for each event instead of just a global setting which is applied for all events.
- Support more tags like [REGISTER_DATE], [TICKET_ NUMBER] for the email message send to group members.

4. Small Bugs Fixes

- Fixed link to event from mini calendar does not use Event Details URL (if set for the event)
- Fixed Number custom field type, allows setup Min, Max and Step in decimal number (before, you can only integer, mean you could not set step to 0.01 for example)
1. Improve Categories Layout
Added Category Description Characters Limit parameter to allow limiting number of characters displayed for category description in the list if needed.

2. Improve Search Filter
In case you enable search filters to allow filters events by category, location, duration... at the top of event list, now you can set Show Reset Button config option to Yes to have Reset button displayed to allow users to reset the filter options

3. Improve Multilingual
Allow translating User Email Subject for each event.

4. Improve Registrants List Menu Item Type
If you create menu item to display registrants of certain event, you can now choose to only display registrants with certain status like Paid/Pending... in menu item parameter

5. Allow Using Custom Fields For Category
If you want to create custom fields to store more information about category (same as Events Custom Field), it is now supported. However, it is only for developer only feature. Mean the system allows you to create custom fields for category but it is not being displayed on frontend. If you want to have it to be displayed at certain place, you will need to customize the layout yourself

6. Improve Registrants Management
If you create custom fields to allow users to upload images on Registration Form and configure it to be displayed in Registrants Management screen, the system will display thumbnail of the uploaded image there. Click on the thumbnail will show the uploaded image, so it allows you to easier seeing the image uploaded by registrants.

7. Technical Changes
We continue working to use latest code provided by Joomla API to make sure the system continue working well with future Joomla releases. On this release, we refactor code in the extension to use Joomla Web Assets Manager API to load Javascript/ CSS code uses in the extension.
1. Added Task - Events Booking House Keeping plugin

This plugin allows you to create schedule tasks to clean up Events Booking database and storage like deleting old invoices, tickets, certificates, remove registration records which use online payment methods but did not process payment...

+ Events Booking - Delete Old Invoices: If you enable invoice feature in Events Booking, for each registration, the system will create a PDF invoice and store in on a folder on server. Creating the schedule task for this task will help removing
these old invoices to save server disk space.
+ Events Booking - Delete PDF Tickets: This allows deleting old PDF tickes to save server disk space.
+ Events Booking - Delete PDF Certificates: This allows deleting old PDF certificates to save server disk space.
+ Events Booking - Delete Incomplete Payment Registrations: This allows removing registration records choose to use online payment methods such as PayPal, Stripe.... but did not complete payment (payment is failed, ignore...) after certain number of days
+ Events Booking - Clean Emails Log: This allows deleting email log records which are older than certain number of days.

2. Improve Full Calendar Menu Item Type

- Added Show Filter Bar parameter. If set to Yes, a filter will be displayed above calendar to allow searching, filtering events by category, location. See how it works on the demo site demo.joomdonation.com/eventsbooking/calendar/calendar-modern

3. SEO Improvements

Added Robots setting for category and event.

4. Other Improvements

- Improve User Registration Integration: Added Use Email As Username config option. If set to Yes, users can use email as username when create a new user account through event registration form

- Added Interval parameter to Improve Advanced Events Slider Module to allow control the auto play interval duration of the slider

- Improve Event Details Page: Display Event Custom Fields on event details page of parent event.

- Added config option to allow controlling invoice page format.

- Allow disable sending ICS file for individual event.

- Improve Events Booking - Webhook plugin: Added parameter to allow sending registrant data to external URL even for offline payment registration which are still Pending.

- Show image preview of the uploaded image file on Registrants Management screen

5. Updated Payment Plugins

- Some payment plugins like SaferPay Json, Stripe, Stripe Checkout were being updated to latetst version of their provided library to make sure it is fully compatible with current PHP versions
- Updated Clover Hosted Checkout payment plugin to only pass address data to Clover if address field is collected on registration form

5. Bugs Fixes:
- Fixed voucher not working due to a bug in 5.0.1
- Fixed sponsor not being displayed on slider layout of Sponsor plugin
- Fixed pagination link not working on search result page (due to some changes in Joomla 5.2.0)
1. Improve SQL field type

Allow setting Prompt Text (use as the first option for the field). For example, if you create custom field to display list of users, you can set Prompt Text to Select User to make it more clear for your users.

2. Allow controlling when to show Number Registered Users for your event

Sometime, you only want to show Number Registered User for your event it is greater than certain value (you do not want visitors know that the event has not had anyone or only few users registered for it yet). For that, you can use new added config option called Only Show Number Registered Users If Greater Than Or Equal

3. Improve Events Export/Import

Added free_event_registration_status information to events export/import

4. Allow easier selecting events

If you have too many events, selecting an event from events dropdown (on Registrants Management screen, when you add new Registrant...) could be a challenge. In that case, you can set Enable Select Event From Modal config option to Yes. By doing that, instead of having to find and select an event from a dropdown, you can click on a button to see list of events from modal popup, then search and select the event you want from there.

5. General Code Improvement

As mentioned, we continue the effort of refactoring Events Booking code base to use latest Joomla 1/ Joomla 5 API in this release. That improves code quality of the extension and make sure it will continue working well with future releases of Joomla.

6. Bugs Fixes

Some bugs found, reported by customers and got fixed in this release:

- Coupon Discount is not applied properly when using Shopping Cart
- Only send PDF tickets to group members if it is configured
- Passing correct mime type for ICS file in email
- Fixed selected option is not cleared when clicking on remove icon on some filter dropdowns in the backend
- Allow display plugin outputs properly when multiple events details are being displayed on a single page (using page builder)
- Fixed sending reminder email when 6th reminder is used
1. Drop Support For Joomla 3

- Raise minimum PHP requirement to 7.4.0
- Raise minimum Joomla version requirement to 4.2.0
- Clean up code, remove the code which is needed to support Joomla 3
- Use latest Joomla API available for Joomla 4.2.0+
- Drop Support For Twitter Bootstrap 2 and Twitter Bootstrap 3
- Convert plugins in the extension to use Subscriber Interface (available on Joomla 4+), thus make these plugins work faster

We will still maintain support for Joomla 3, but mostly bugs fixes and minor improvements. Future improvements will only focus for Joomla 4+.

2. Improvements

- Improve User - Events Booking plugin: Added Synchronize Data parameter to allow synchronize data from Joomla user profile back to his/her registration record when the data is updated for the account.
- Improve Events Management: Added Show Event Creator config option to allow showing event creator on events management screen.
- Improve Export Registrants: Added config options to allow including/excluding Registrant ID and Event ID in the export.
- Improve Upcoming Modules/ Upcoming Events menu item type, Category menu item type: Added Month parameter to allow showing events from certain selected month only.
- Improve Registration History: Added config options to allow hiding First Name, and Last Name. Also, you can now decide to not show registrations of past events in registration history if needed.
- Improve Frontend Registrants Management: Do not show past events in events filter if the menu item is configured to not show registrants from past events.

full change log on link
1. Improve Speakers and Sponsors Plugin

Added Layout parameter to allow displaying speakers and sponsors using Slider.

2. Button to allow quickly viewing registrants of an event

Added Registrants button on add/edit event screen to allow clicking on to view registrants of the current being edited event.

3. Bugs Fixed

- Handle Metadata properly on category and event page.
- Allow choosing List and Grid layouts to Layout parameter on add/edit category screen
- Handle Member Discount Properly when recalculating registration fee on edit registrant screen
- Fixed invalid user warning when sending certificate
- Workaround to prevent fatal error when CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2 constant not available on some host with outdated curl library installed

4. General Code Improvements
- Improve code for backend layout to reduce repeating code and help future development faster
- Remove the usages of deprecated Table::getInstance method. This is to make sure the extension continue working well with future releases of Joomla when the deprecated method is removed.
1. Implement support for images lazy loading

We implement images lazy loading for categories and events (category and upcoming events) menu item types. By telling browsers to only load images when it is loaded, that would speed up page loading when users access to these pages on your site.

2. Compatible with Dard Mode in Joomla 5.1

There were some changes in Dark Mode implementation (which are improvements), so we need to make some changes in Events Booking to have it works better with Dark Mode in Joomla 5.1.

3. Improve Calendar Menu Item Types

Added parameters to allow filter events displayed on calendar base on Speakers, Created By and City.

4. Added Events Booking - Auto Event Data Plugin

This plugin allows you to set Cancel Before Date of event automatically X-days before Event Date if needed. This is useful in case you don't want to enter Cancel Before Date manually for each event.

5. Improve Search Filter

If you configured the menu items to display events from certain location only, the system will only display configured locations instead of all locations in the filter.

6. Bugs Fixes
- Fixed meta data not being rendered on category page even it is already configured in menu item
- Added some code to prevent Admin Tools blocks Ajax Request to recalculate registration fee when there is no suitable menu item found for an URL.
1. Compatible with Joomla 5.1.0
There were some changes in Joomla 5.1.0 which breaks some of payment plugins. We had to update our payment processing library to make sure payment process working well with Joomla 5.1 (and earlier Joomla versions). This is the most important change in this release

2. Added Events Booking - Group Member Account
This plugin allows creating Joomla user account and assign the account to the configured user groups (if you are using Joomla Groups Plugin) for group members in a group registration. It is useful in case you want to allow group members to login and access to restricted resources when they are being registered for your events. See docs.joomdonation.com/eventsbooking/plug...group-member-account for details documentation

3. Improve Layout Code
- We made some improve to layouts code in the extension to make it better structured, easier to maintain and easier to override if needed.
- Added parameter to allow showing categories on timeline layout

4. Bugs Fixes
- Do not allow deleting events when there is still registrants belong to that event
- Fix group member record lost it's connection to the billing record when registrant update group member record from registration history
- Fixed searching children categories not working on categories dropdown (on Joomla 4 and Joomla 5)
1. Added Auto Group Members Plugin

The plugin can be used to generate group members automatically without requiring collect group members information. It is useful when use want to generate separate PDF ticket for each purchased ticket (which can be used to check-in registrants) but do not want to ask the person who perform registrations to enter data of all these group members (save time, and make registration process less complicated). Usually, it be be used in two cases:

- You use group registration and do not collect members information.
- Or you use Ticket Types but do not want to collect member information for each purchased ticket.

2. Added Checked In Notification Plugin

This plugin will send notification to registrants after they are being checked in successfully. It could be used for notification purpose, and send something (like links to restricted resources...) to registrants after they already checked in at the event.

3. Improve Auto Register Plugin

Added Disable registration for main event if one of auto-register events is full parameter to allow disable registration for the main event when one of the configured auto register event is full.

4. Improve Backed List Views

We integrated table columns script for all list views (like categories management, events management, registrants management, custom fields, management....). With this feature, you can choose to hide any fields from the screen to tidy up the view and make it more clean if needed. Keep in mind that this feature is only available for Joomla 4.2.0+.

5. Improve Mass Mail

You can now upload up to 3 attachments when sending mass mails to registrants

6. Improve Upcoming Events Module And Upcoming Events Menu Item Type

- Added a parameter to allow showing upcoming events in the next certain Number Of Days
- Allow control how events are being ordered (it is being ordered by Event Date in ASC direction by default, but you can change it to meet your need if needed, for example, ordering by title of events)

7. Improved Export Registrants

- Added config option Export Exclude Status to allow excluding registrants with certain status from being exported. For example, you might want to exclude Cancelled registrants from export result, it is now configurable.
- Show Cancelled status in the export if the registration cancelled

8. Improve Events Grid Layout

Allow hiding category, location and price if needed

9. Improve Search Module

Allow choosing how events are being ordered in search result

10. Reorganized Modules and Menu Items Parameters

We reviewed all the menu items types and modules, re-organizing it's parameters in a more logical way. For example, group parameters to filter data in a separate tab, group parameters to control how things are displayed in a separate tab...