
ochGlightbox 2.1.2

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Bug Fix
Allow images with spaces in filename via ochGlightBox module

New Feature
ochElements editor-xtd integration now lists galleries in base directory so these can be added to any content with a simple click on the button

This version now has advanced ochElements Integration, read more on this new feature in the blog: [How To] Advanced ochElements Integration

new in this version if the possibility to add descriptions to a gallery:

In the directory holding the images for the gallery you create a descriptions.json (text) file. This file needs to be in (valid) json format. If there is an error in the file you will see this in the log file for the ochGlightBox plugin. The descriptions.json file is in the following format:

    "filename-of-the-image.jpg": "this is a \"test\" description",
    "filename-of-another-image.jpg": "Another beautiful test description"