MyListing - Directory & Listing WordPress Themes

MyListing - Directory & Listing WordPress Themes 2.11.9

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Fix: Search form and explore widget not showing on mobile
Fix: Fatal error while installing the theme
Fix: Horizontal scroll showing for select2 after new woocommerce update
Location block: added option to display map as static image
Added "Threads" and "Bluesky" as sharing option
Added a new user notification for expired listings
Added share meta tags to the author single page for improved social media sharing
Tweak: Load listing cover image using the img tag instead of background image ( useful to improve LCP )
Tweak: The arrows that show for hosrizontal scroll are now clickable (e.g. in basic search form, this improves UX on mobile devices)
Added option to display rating on compare modal and made listing title clickable
Lightbox - added option to close on scroll
Fix: Delay translation loading to prevent _load_textdomain_just_in_time warning
Fix: Claim listing - file field not being saved correctly
Fix: Claim listing form - recaptcha not working
Fix: Tooltips not closing on backend
Fix: Password strength not working on forgot password page
Fix: Admin dashboard - stats boxes style
Fix: Remove required from textarea field when saving listings as draft
Fix: jQuery compatiblity fixes
Fix: Upcoming dates block date format fix
Fix: Upcoming dates instance using the wrong timezone
Fix: General repeater box - link button showing even when you don't add a link
Fix: Repeater block - show 0 price
Fix: Translations - days in work hours validation message
Fix: Frontend dashboard - publish/unpublish not working for admin
Fix: reCaptcha v3 token expiring before submitting the listing
Fix: Duplicate listings - recurring date fix
Fix: Explore widget not showing using Elementor 3.24.x
Fix: Reviews block not showing for listings with no reviews
Fix: Yoast plugin - robots meta tag not displaying correct content for author and term single page
Basic search form - ability to link each listing type with a different explore page
Added "Reviews" block for listing page, that will allow you to display reviews and review form on any profile tab
Added option to enable breadcrumbs for listing page
Wp All Import - added support for images without a specified extension in the url
Fixed bugs created by Elementor 3.24
Listing feed pagination - scroll to top when you change page
Added option to enable label for repeater block
Fix: Listing feed - Added load more to translation file
Fix: Bug with relist when paid listings are disabled
Fix: Preview card cache bug when views are added to it
Fix: Related listings block - image size changed to thumbnail
Fix: Removed unnecessary frontend styles from admin.css
Fix: Listing feed order by priority first
Fix: Bug with keyword search when searching for a location
Fix: Listing type icons in categories widget
Fix: Cover details not showing the correct recurring date
Fix: Description field disappearing when you edit a listing in frontend and description field is hidden from frontend form
Fix: Bug with "This week" filter when starting day set to Sunday
Fix: Add listing form, prevent submit before all gallery images are uploaded
Fix: Recurring dates and countdown block, use correct timezone
- Added pagination and load more to listing feed widget
- Added filter by author to listing feed widget
- Added compatibility for recaptcha v3
- Added compatibility with PHP 8.2 and 8.3
- Wp all export - added option to export custom recurring date fields
- Wp all import - added option to import recurring date field in serialized format
- Wp all import - Locations: when imprting without geocoding you can import multiple locations now
- Dashboard stats chart - added option to enable/disable views/unique views
- Added hook to prevent attachments from being deleted when you delete a listing
- Added support for webp images in account details
- Updated Vue JS to latest version
- Fix: Promotions - wrong priority after promotion expires
- Fix: Date format not working in cover details section
- Fix: Issue with exporting work hours field
- Fix: Wp all import issue with same name images
- Fix: Background carousel not working when switching listing types
- Fix: Upcoming dates block - events expiring before end time is reached
- Fix: Comaptibility issue with WC Vendors Pro dashboard
- Fix: Use available package showing even after listing type limit is reached
- Fix: Explore prev/next arrows not working on terms tab
- Fix: Show password icon showing duplicated
- Fix: Messages of deleted listings not being deleted
- Fix: New paid listing package created when you renew a subscription
- Fix: PHP error when duplicating listings that have fields restricted by package
- Fix: Default zoom not working for location field (OSM)
- Fix: Select filters, clear selection icon not showing
- Fix: Style of insert link modal in wp editor field
- Fix: Field package visibility for save as draft listings
- Fix: Add listing package invalid error if only one listing type is added in add listing page:
- Fix: Notifications not sent when you preview submitted listing
- Fix: Add listing - Get location icon issue on location field
- Fix: OpenStreetMap RTL styling issues
- Fix: Direct message call to action button not working
- Fix: Keyword search by location not working
- Fix: User dashboard - duplicate listings not working properly
- Fix: User dashboard error for draft listings without a listing type
- Fix: Listing feed issue when used listing type is deleted
- Fix: Photoswipe RTL styling issues
- Fix: Console JS error in mapbox when radius is zero
- Added Openstreetmap support as a map service
- Added "Load more" and "Infinte scroll" as pagination options in explore page
- Added option to prevent authors from reviewing their own listings
- Added package visibility for similar listings in single page
- Reorginzed styles and scripts of the theme to load only on pages required
- Added option to disable isotope masonry in explore page, listing feed and similar listings
- Added option to select networks that show in social networks field
- Added option to select networks that show in share modal
- Added "Reddit" to share networks list
- Added "Share via..." (native share) to share networks list
- Changed Twitter branding to X
- Added show password icon in login/register password field
- Added filter by listing type in "All listings" page in backend
Updated ACF Pro to the latest version (
- Fix: Listing order not working when you search by location
- Fix: Custom priority order not working in listing feed
- Fix: Only display markers within the specified search radius for listings with multiple locations
- Fix: User dashboard - claim request filter not working
- Fix: Wp all import - posts not imported in related listings field
- Fix: Wp all import - bulk location import issue with mapbox
- Fix: Lightbox buttons not showing in RTL
- Fix: Fixed issue with prev next buttons not working in taxonomy tab (explore widget)
- Fix: Click to reveal in preview card - head buttons
- Fix: Required field warning for select fields (styling issue)
- Fix: Users > paid listing packages > search manually created packages by user
- Fix: Issues with imprting location and workours (WP All Import)
- Fix: Deleting a duplicate listing would also delete the attachments of the original listing
- Fix: Issue with renewing subscriptions manually
- Fix: Number field (add listing form) - prevent scroll from changing its value
- Removed some legacy widgets
- Renamed "27 > title bar" to "27 > breadcrumbs"
Fix: CF 7 id not saving in contact form block
- Fix: Issues with package listing limit
- Fix: Replaced deprecated buddypress function: bp_core_avatar_default
- Fix: Warning when you preview and publish a listing
- Fix: Remove switch package if paid listings are disabled
- Fix: Display issue in iOS for checkbox and radio type inputs
- Fix: Issue with listing limit by listing type