Multi Flags

Multi Flags 2.0.0

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Author Zechariah
Creation date
PrestaShop Compatibility
  1. 1.7.x
  2. 8.x
Highlight key product features with the \"Multi Flags Module\" for PrestaShop.
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business Multi Flags 2.0.0 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 1.2 MB File size. From Multi Flags have 1 Description Attachments, 13 Views.

Highlight key product features with the "Multi Flags Module" for PrestaShop. Easily add customizable flags to products, empowering customers to make informed purchasing decisions at a glance. Enhance product visibility and improve the shopping experience – install now!

Key Features:

1. Customizable Flags: Easily add flags to individual products to convey important information such as product condition, promotions, or special features. With our module, you have full control over the flags displayed, allowing you to tailor them to match your store's branding and product offerings.

2. Instant Flag Setup: Streamline the flag setup process with our intuitive administration interface. Admins can quickly assign flags to products directly from the back office, ensuring efficient flag management and consistency across the product catalog.

3. Enhanced Product Visibility: Capture customers' attention and guide their purchasing decisions with visually striking flags displayed alongside product listings. Flags serve as visual cues that help customers identify new arrivals, promotions, or product conditions at a glance, enhancing overall browsing and shopping experience.

4. Improved Customer Experience: Empower customers to make informed purchasing decisions by providing clear and easily recognizable flags for each product. Whether it's indicating product condition, highlighting special offers, or signaling new arrivals, flags enhance product visibility and streamline the shopping journey.

5. Seamless Integration: Our module seamlessly integrates into your PrestaShop store, ensuring compatibility with your existing product management system. Installation is quick and hassle-free, allowing you to start adding flags to your products and enhancing their visibility in no time.

6. Comprehensive Documentation and Support: Need assistance getting started? Our comprehensive documentation and dedicated support team are available to provide guidance and resolve any issues you may encounter. We're committed to ensuring your success with our module.

Transform your product catalog and empower customers with the "Multi Flags Module" for PrestaShop. Enhance product visibility, guide purchasing decisions, and elevate customer experience with customizable flags. Elevate your online store to new heights – install the module today!
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1.2 MB
First release
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