MP3 Music Player / MP3 Audio Player Plugin for WordPress By Sonaar

MP3 Music Player / MP3 Audio Player Plugin for WordPress By Sonaar 5.9.2 Nulled

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Download Sonaar MP3 Audio Player Pro for WordPress v3.6
V.3.6 - 2022-05-24

- New! Shortcode [sonaar_license] to display license terms anywhere on your site. View documentation here
- New! Create your own custom options if you sell music licenses [Pro Feature]
- New! Input your play/pause text label for the boxed and button layout. play_text and pause_text attributes have been added to the shortcode attribute.
- New! Icon picker to the podcast show external links & license terms
- Improved the [sonaar_ts] shortcode to add play/pause button icons beside your links and chapters.
- Improved AJAX requests UX by adding a spinner animation
- Changed the translation slugname for sonaar-music-pro instead of sonaar-music
- Updated the .pot file for translation
- Fix issue with lyrics conflict with many players but when no sticky player is active
- Fix lyrics scrolling when using dynamic waveform
- Fix conflict with third party plugins that use perfect scrollbar library
- Fix issue with the player that does not start the fist time when soundwave is hidden AND dynamic waveform is set