- Fix: Advanced Triggers issue when aiming only 1 player with CSS Selector
- Fix: Advanced Triggers and its option Remember Ask for Email
- Fix: Play icon in the Grid layout redirects to the single post when not clicked precisely
- Fix: Since WordPress 6.4.3, pro plugin could not be installed https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/60398
- Fix: Audio not playing since last version in some case
- Fix: Plugin could not be activated in some case when using PHP 7.3 or earlier
- Fix: Dates in the tracklist were not displayed according to the language sets in WordPress.
- New! [Pro Feature]: Share your track on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, SMS, Emails! You have now the option to add a share button to share a specific track from your tracklist. Customize it in WP-Admin > MP3 Player > Settings > Share a Track
- New! [Pro Feature]: Improved the Bulk Importer by adding an Order by Name button to sort the list.
- Tweak: Add image cover in the product variation license popup.
- Fix: Prevent PHP warning in the WP dashboard.
- Fix: Play Button not showing the Play Icon since last update.
- Fix: Elementor Player not playing in some case when used in Elementor Popup and Archives.
- Update FontAwesome Library to 5.15.4
- Fix: Fixed the player not playing audio when clicking play since version 4.4
- Fix: Sometimes the sticky player was shown in a archive or shhop page even if it was not set
- Tweak: We are now showing a Pause Icon for the button layout when the track is playing.
- New! Icecast Support!
- New! [Pro Feature] Full Icecast Support where we display what is currently playing from your Icecast live station.
- New! [Pro Feature] New tool to easily import Elementor Player Templates from the Sonaar.io library. Find the tool in WP-Admin > MP3 Player > Import Templates.
- New! [Pro Feature] Add Download CTA option that can be enabled on all your tracklist at once. No need to create your button one by one on each tracks anymore.
- New! [Pro Feature] Add Post Link CTA option that can be enabled on all your tracklist at once.
- New! Add Aria-Label on buttons for an Accessible Web
- New! Option to set default volume for your site.
- Tweak: RTL: make the progressbar with synthetic wave RTL compatible
- Tweak: Display audio spectrum below the track labels
- Tweak: Moved CTA Buttons styles from the tracklist to their own style panel in Elementor Editor.
- Tweak: Added More CTA buttons style options such as padding and X/Y position
- Tweak: You can use the progress bar inline in the boxed player and skin button
- Tweak: [Pro Feature] License registration API
- Fix: Issue with Rankmath when saving Titles & Meta settings
- New! [Pro Feature] Adaptive Colors: Click ‘Adaptive Colors’ option, and we will match the skin of the audio player with your image artwork in real-time. Thanks to our AI algorithms! The option is available in Elementor as well as a shortcode attribute.
- Fix: Progress bar navigation through a radio (infinity) stream
- Fix: External audio source URL containing query strings are now working
- Fix: In the mobile media center, we dont see HTML code anymore
- Fix: Track list thumbnail size issue
- Fix: Tracklist title overlapping issue on mobile https://drops.sonaar.io/i/ufLtuh
- Tweak: PHP function str_contains replaced by a PHP 7 compatible function.
- Tweak: Restructured the order of the Audio Player Option in Elementor to be more user-friendly.
- New! [Pro Feature] You can now change the playback speed options in the plugin settings.
- Fix: WooCommerce orders are now working.
- Fix: White screen showing up on the front-end when using Elementor Pro header and footers.
- Fix: Grid Layout displays correctly when using scrollbar option.
- Fix: Sticky player tracklist when "this widget" is selected as the source.
- Fix: Guterberg Block search tracklist is now working.
- Fix: Remove PHP notice when using ACF in some case.
- Tweak: Optimized a js function to load only when needed.
- Tweak: When using audio_meta_field attribute and the MP3 is pulled from your media library, we now show its image artwork.
- Tweak: WooCommerce price settings are reflecting correctly.
- Fix: Since Elementor Pro 3.9, players not displaying in Elementor Popup
- Fix: You can now wildcard slugs to exclude them to play continuous playback. eg: /product/* will exclude any product to load the continuous player.
- Fix: Player not playing when using a search bar widget in some occasion.
- Fix: HTML code <span class="srp_trackartist"> showing up in track title was displaying in track title in some occasion.
- Fix: Play Pause button were not toggling when using player in a WooCommerce shortcode and while using Wavesurfer.js
- Tweak: Filter dropdown default value is now single select instead of multi select.
- New! [Pro Business Plan] Add to Cart via AJAX so page will not refresh when you add items to the WooCommerce cart.
- New! [Pro Business Plan] Search Bar Elementor Widget and Shortcode: [sonaar_search] to add search bar within your tracklist. View documentation here https://sonaar.io/docs/add-audio-player-with-shortcode/#h-search-bar-widget-shortcode
- New! [Pro Business Plan] Dropdown/Tag Filters and Shortcode: [sonaar_filter] to add dropdown or tag selector to filter your tracklist. View documentation here https://sonaar.io/docs/add-audio-player-with-shortcode/#h-filter-dropdowns-tags-shortcode
- New! [Pro Business Plan] Chips result and Shortcode: [sonaar_chips] to add chip tags when you search or filter your tracklist. View documentation here https://sonaar.io/docs/add-audio-player-with-shortcode/#h-chips-active-filters-shortcode
- New! [Pro Business Plan] Pagination. You have now the ability to add a pagination within your tracklist (as well as a scrollbar).
- New! [Pro Business Plan] Support URL param querys. This is usefull if you want to share URL to a specific track within the tracklist.
- New! [Pro Business Plan] Add any custom fields in your tracklist. You can create any custom fields from ACF, JetEngine, Metabox etc. and display them directly in the tracklist.
- NEW! [Pro Business Plan] All these new shortcodes are also available as Elementor Wigets.
- New! [Pro Business Plan] Added product title in the Music & License Contract PDF.
- New! [Pro Starter Plan] Option to resize the Play/Pause button on the boxed layout player.
- New! [Pro Starter Plan] Option to remove sticky player from the excluded URL Settings.
- Fix: Generating PDF for the music license now fully working.
- Fix: WooCommerce product image in admin area that was not being displayed in some cases.
- Fix: Progress bar height controler in Elementor editor.
- Fix: The no loop tracklist option without a sticky player was not working.
- Fix: When using WeGlot plugin to translate the product variation modal, some fields were not translated.
- Fix: Variation lightbox was not working when using a JetEngine smart filter.
- Fix: Remove Perfect Scrollbar source mapping not found in the console.
- Tweak: Now using medium image size on the image cover of the Sticky Player for better quality.
- Tweak: Track title space was too narrow in the sticky player when using no cover image.
- Podcast import: Add option to not overwrite existing content on manual RSS Feed import.
- Podcast import with empty content episode is now working.
- Multiple minor tweaks.
- Code optimization for faster Speed.