Mirasvit Sphinx Search Ultimate for Magento 1 (M1)

Mirasvit Sphinx Search Ultimate for Magento 1 (M1) 2.3.2

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Author alexmd
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Magento1 Compatibility
  1. 1.9.x
Combine the most modern approaches to the product search for online stores
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business Mirasvit Sphinx Search Ultimate for Magento 1 (M1) 2.3.2 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 2.7 MB File size. From Mirasvit Sphinx Search Ultimate for Magento 1 (M1) have 175 Views.

Sphinx Search Ultimate​

Sphinx Search Ultimate is a Magento extension that combines the most modern approaches to the product search for online stores. Here you'll find all you need in order to create an ideal product search in your online store.

Sphinx Search Ultimate unites such products as Search Spell-Correction, Search AutoComplete & Suggestions and Advanced Sphinx Search Pro into a single operating mechanism of high-performance and convenient search for the Magento online store.

Often users do not know exactly how to spell the name of a particular product. Search tips help greatly to quickly find the right product. When a user types the first few letters of a search phrase, a tip phrase drops down and the user sees a list of search phrases or goods from a catalog that best match the products he wants to find.

In case a user made a mistake in writing a search query, we will not show nil results. We are trying to fix the problem and show them what they were looking for.

The search mechanism uses the advanced search technology Sphinx, which provides a highly relevant results in a fraction of a second. Sphinx is an open source search engine that significantly improves the relevance (quality) and the speed of searches. Therefore, your visitors find the products they are looking for. Using a Sphinx search engine increases conversion of visitors who are looking for something to customers by more than 50%.

Key features​

  • Greatly improves search quality. Searches find the products that visitors are looking for
  • Supports stop words (dictionary contains 665 words)
  • Supports synonyms (dictionary contains 60730 words)
  • Search products by category names
  • Search products by tags
  • Search products by associated products skus
  • Search by multiple content types:
    • Catalog Products
    • Catalog Categories
    • Catalog Attribute
    • CMS Pages
    • Blog (AW Blog, Wordpress)
    • Simple Press Forum
    • News by CommerceLab
    • vBulletin Forum
    • Blackbird ContentManager
  • Correction of typing errors when searching in online store
  • Singular/Plural search
  • "Long Tail" search (searching products with hyphens/slashes etc)
  • Landing Pages (seo optimization for specific keywords)
  • Fallback search
  • Pushing "out of stock" products to the end
  • Ability to set search category (as in Amazon)
  • Uses AJAX, so the search doesn’t reboot the entire webpage and the search is very fast
  • Support of responsive themes
  • Drop-down box appears with the image of products and price
  • Ability to configure a minimum number of characters to search, the delay in finding, a limited number of results in the dropdown list, the tip in the search box
  • High Indexing speed
  • High Searching speed of over 500 queries/sec against 1,000,000 skus
  • Stemmer with plurals and singular words support
    Sphinx has built-ins for English, Russian and Czech languages.
    Modules are available for French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Hungarian
Sphinx Search Engine is used by the following companies:

Sphinx Search Engine - Who Use

Comparing the results of the search
Search results for: 'camera' - significantly improved search relevance
Search results for: 'camera'
Search results for: 'customer'
Search results for: 'canonpowershot'
Manage Search Indexes
 Search Index
 Search Index
 Search Index
Landing Page
Dictionary of Synonyms
Dictionary of Stopwords
System / Configuration / Search Sphinx / General Settings
System / Configuration / Search Sphinx / General Settings
System / Configuration / Search Sphinx / General Settings
System / Configuration / Search Autocomplete
 System / Configuration / Search Spell-Correction
Extention type
File size
2.7 MB
First release
Last update
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