Minimog - The Next Generation Shopify Theme

Minimog - The Next Generation Shopify Theme 5.2.0

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Added integration code for the Ryviu: Product Reviews & QA app
Update the integration code for LAI Product Reviews app
Fixes & improvements:
Improved variant group image functionality to support sorting images function in the FoxKit app
Improved RTL style
Fixed missing style for collection card
Fixed the issue where only 20 products were displayed per page when using a section containing product input settings
Fixed the issue of mismatched discount prices displayed when switching between variants
Fixed minor bugs


  • Added 12 new demos: Chateau, Boutique, Couture, Parade, Luxe, Grove, Sapphire, Sartorial, Tailor, Bold, Mod, Dapper
  • Added new section Cascading collection
  • Added new section Cascading product
  • Added new section Collage tabs
  • Added new section Collection image showcase
  • Added new section Collection showcase
  • Added new section Collection tabs
  • Added new section Hotspot image
  • Added new section Product bundles
  • Added new section Promotion banner
  • Added new section Promotion countdown timer
  • Added new section Rich text
  • Added new section Empty space
  • Added new block Testimonials for Scrolling promotion section
  • Added new layouts 7 & 8 for Testimonials section
  • Added new blocks Shop this look & lookbook hero for Lookbook section
  • Added new settings background & parallax effect, content color scheme for Custom content section
  • Added new settings button secondary for Slideshow section
  • Added new settings button secondary for Video hero section
  • Added new setting product for Before/after image
  • Added new setting description for block Image card
  • Added new setting Enable transparent for Top bar block
  • Added new setting Show button on header for Featured collection, Featured Promotion, Blog post
  • Added new settings for block Newsletters in Footer section
  • Added new layout Metro 2 for Instagram section
  • Added new layout 2 for Image with slider section
  • Added new section Scaling logo for Header group
  • Added new flag icon for Country selector
  • Added new setting Show video as featured image for Product card
  • Added new settings parallax for Countdown timer section
  • Added new settings image secondary for Image with text

Fixes & improvements:​

  • Improve Header transparent on mobile
  • Improve the Main collection banner section
  • improve design for collection filter colors
  • Fixed can't click poster image for section video
  • Fixed minor bugs
  • Like
Reactions: booba92

Fixes & improvements:​

  • We fixed some minor bugs in CSS
We refactored & optimized the HTML and CSS/JS files to reduce dom size, improve performance, and make the code clean & clear, easy to understand and customize if needed.


  • Added new settings font size for H1-H4 tags


  • We removed the Tailwind library from the project and replaced all Tailwind classes with our own classes and CSS

Fixes & improvements:​

  • Fixed bug 'Translate missing' error for content
  • Fixed product variants switcher not working when variant value has special characters
  • Fixed bug missing image alt
  • Fixed bug sale badge not working
  • Fixed bug images do not show in the product description
  • Fixed bug sold-out badge not working in product card
  • Fixed cart attributes not working
  • Fixed cart count not update when first time add product
  • Fixed minor bugs
no changelog for this version


  • Added section groups for the Header and Footer
  • Added a new feature: Gift wrap option
  • Added a new feature: Age verifier popup
  • Added a new option ‘Video ratio’ for the Video hero section
  • Added a new video type ‘Shopify hosted’ for the Video section

Fixes & improvements:​

  • Updated to hide the popular search text when there are no popular search keywords
  • Improved the Product image zoom
  • Improved the Video section
  • Fixed the new customer account not working on mobile
  • Fixed the discount code saved on the cart page not auto-applying on the checkout page
  • Fixed the incorrect total price of the product bundle
  • Fixed the blurry product card images when filtering on Safari
  • Fixed the style of the Product complementary block in the Product information section
  • Fixed the Featured slider section not working correctly
  • Fixed the price on the ‘Select option’ pop-up not changing when selecting variants
  • Fixed the breadcrumbs to show the correct collection
  • Fixed minor bugs


  • Added a new Image card style
  • Added a Before/after image slider block to the Custom content section
  • Added a Handpicked products block to the Custom content section
  • Added a Lookbook slider block to the Lookbook section
  • Added a new Product card style
  • Added a new section: Favorite product slider
  • Added an option to show the Delivery days for shipping rates in the cart

Fixes & improvements:​

  • Fixed the add to cart button being disabled when changing product variants
  • Fixed the broken layout of the Recently viewed products section & Foxkit - Related products section
  • Fixed the Countdown timer on the product card not working
  • Fixed the transparent logo on the header
  • Fixed the video type option ‘Shopify hosted’ not working in the Video hero section
  • Improved the Collection list section
  • Improved the Scrolling promotion section
  • Updated the support for image focal point
    • Add more 10 demos
    • Add variant group images feature to FoxKit
    • Add local pickup feature
    • Add setting padding for sections
    • Add setting to show price with currency code
    • Update filters for search results page
    • Update more locales for admin
    • Update responsive image
    • Update variant picker to use custom element
    • Update product form to use custom element
    • Split CSS/Javascript to load according to sections and components
    • Refactor code to optimize performance
    • Fix nested snippets load
    • Fix theme check reports
    • Fix minor bugs
  • Add custom recommendations products to Fox Kit and product section
    Integrate with Growave app
    Integrate with Product Reviews app
    Integrate with Loox Product Reviews & Photos app
    Add setting menu for mobile
    Add setting to set placeholder image for product card
  • Fix discounted price is not correct after changing currency
    Setting price colors doesn't work
    Fix filters to hide tags that have no products
    Fix filter widget collapsible
    Fix Slideshow responsive
    Fix variants selector does not work with Google translate
    Fix Brand list slider doesn't autoplay