Meow Apps - AI Engine Pro

Meow Apps - AI Engine Pro 2.4.5 Nulled

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  • Update: In the Content Generator, sections (headings) are not mandatory anymore. You can simply delete the associated prompt, and the sections fields will be removed as well. You can save it as your new template.
  • Add: Width and Max Height for the Chatbot Popup in the Settings.
  • Fix: Compatibility issues with older versions of PHP.
  • Fix: Make sure the extra context brought by embedding doesn't break the maximum number of tokens.
  • Fix: For some reason, some models didn't have the mode and that was leading to the UI to crash.
  • Fix: Better guess to lower the limit of max tokens dynamically.
  • Update: Huge update on the way embeddings are created, synchronized and managed.
  • Add: Simplified API.
  • Update: Working on the UI framework (dark theme will be possible on the WP side).
  • Info: Help or discuss with other users on my Discord.
  • Info: Share your feedbacks/issues in the Support Threads.
  • Info: Motivate me with a little review here. Thank you!