MemberPress Pro

MemberPress Pro 1.11.33 Nulled

No permission to download
Modern PayWall setting in supported Rule types. Shows a more modern looking paywall overlay on protected content.

PHP Debug warnings showing in some cases
Ensure proper sanitization on ajax rules search
Onboarding fixes, incorrect upgrade links shown
VIES SOAP API switched to REST API to avoid errors with SOAP API
ReadyLaunch™ styles not being applied to blocks
Zapier Coupon validation errors


  • Ability to set coupon limits per-user within a chosen timeframe
  • Ability to set timezone on coupon start and expire dates


  • Fix failed payment recording to the intended gateway
  • File uploads security hardening
  • Better CSV handling for Tax CSV uploads, now supports BOM and other delimiters besides comma
  • Reset password form debug notices
  • Fix Apple Pay validation if WP installed outside root dir
  • Fix LearnDash Migrator not working
  • Fix widget footer areas in ReadyLaunch templates showing if empty


  • Fixed issue with wp_footer hook

New setting to enable wp_footer action in ReadyLaunch™ templates


Security hardening
License activation domain being translated

MobilePay in Stripe
New ReadyLaunch™ widget areas for more templates


PHP 7.4+ now required
Overseas french territories now tax free in VAT calculations
TWN currency code changed to TWD


py_* charges were duplicated if Stripe webhook resent multiple times
Password resets showing incorrect error message if token expired
Login shortcode broken in some cases
Fatal error during a cron task
Trial cost assignment in coupon processing
Reminder edit field sometime duplicating when switching reminder type
Empty green box for Welcome message on account page


  • Bug with pro-rations when limiting payment cycles is set to 1
  • In-Plugin notifications not showing in some cases
  • False-positive warning about PHP 8.2 compatibility
  • MP Reports page security hardening and fixes
  • ReadyLaunch™ Login page blank when resetting password with expired or invalid key

Compatibility with Courses Migrator framework


PHP warning when using Single Page Checkout w/invoice
Proration error happening when a lifetime transaction has been added to a subscription
Custom price terms on Single Page Checkout invoice
Custom handling for wp_kses instead of relying on wp_kses_post for front end error message sanitation Profile gateway – error showing during some checkouts
Shortcodes not always working in account Welcome Message
RTL improvements for ReadyLaunch™ views
This version contains a security fix for a XSS vulnerability. We recommend all users update to 1.11.25.


  • You can now categorize your Memberships


  • Significant speed and loading improvements for the MemberPress > Reports
  • Stripe Checkout meta data more inline with Elements
  • Memberships are sorted alphabetically in UI now


  • Prevent dividing by zero in calculate_proration method
  • Incorrect date calculation with CoachKit™ add-on
  • Checkout invoice sometimes showing incorrect terms if trial period on subscription
  • OXXO payment method minimum amount fix
  • XSS vulnerability patched
  • Missing action hook in ReadyLaunch™ subscriptions template
  • Password reset emails not working if email contained apostrophe
  • Courses page failed to reload after activating add-on
  • Incorrect discount on first-payment type coupons if trial amount is greater than regular membership price
  • Free trials calculating incorrectly in some cases during upgrades/downgrades
  • Incorrect path to alpine.js file


  • Signup form not submitting if multi-select field present
no change log for this version