Media Grid - Wordpress Responsive Portfolio Plugin

Media Grid - Wordpress Responsive Portfolio Plugin 8.2.4 Nulled

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- updated: lc_lazyload script (fixing images preload in Chrome iframes)
- updated: "get_terms()" implementations to not be deprecated in next WP releases
- updated: lc_select and lc_switch scripts
- updated Easy WP Thumbs
- fixed: auto WP-tumbs fallback not recognizing some URL format and always switching to WP
- updated: Easy WP Thumbs
- fixed: apply_filters('the_title') not using the second parameter
new social sharing system totally reworked (Facebook app not needed anymore)
added option to set social media metas sharing a deeplinked lightbox URL
updated Dike licensing engine
fixed HTML stripped from gallery titles/descriptions (since v8.1)
- fixed: HTML strings sanitization in updated form value validator class
- fixed: double code editor initialization in settings
fixed grid clone/rename in grid builder (started in v8)
updated LC micro slider
updated settings engine
fixed (randomic) items sliding from top-left corner while already shown on grid initialization
- updated: Dike licensing engine