Media Grid - Wordpress Responsive Portfolio Plugin

Media Grid - Wordpress Responsive Portfolio Plugin 8.2.4 Nulled

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Dike licensing's obfuscated javascript replaced to avoid false positives from antivirus softwares
added German translation
fixed lightbox closing clicking on background on long "media-focused" items
fixed continuous lightbox image height check erroneously affecting slider video poster
added WooCommerce HPOS compatibility declaration
- added: custom text for the infinite scroll's "show more" button
- fixed: real-time conditional settings field toggle
- fixed: wrong page's items number if there is an item missing the featured image
- added: settings export/import system
- added: Javascript trigger (mg_lb_contents_shown) to perform extra operations on lightbox contents display
  • fixed zoom-out icon not showing up in lightbox
  • fixed touchswipe in deeplinked lightboxes
  • fixed rotated thumbnails (due to bad apple-related EXIF data)
  • NEW lightbox aligned usign ultra-modern CSS techniques (with bad browsers fallback)
  • FIXED lightbox showing small srcset image
- new: lightbox images now use srcset for better mobile performances
- new: lightbox slider thumbnails now use the smallest srcset image available
- new: grid builder - better items order report when paginator blocks are involved
- new: lightbox AJAX call now performed with modern/faster fetch() API
- new: grid filters styling totally re-coded using modern CSS techniques

- added: minimum height option for lightbox slider

- updated: LC micro slider
- updated: Twitter-X icon

- fixed: lightbox touchswipe init when lightbox code is not set on the page
- fixed: not-https media URLs derived from WP "guid"
- fixed: "round hidden" lightbox navigation commands display on mobile
FIXED dynamic grids outputting one item more than the defined threshold
FIXED infinite scroll pagination button shown when no pagination was needed in dynamic grids
updated: LC WordPress Dashboard