MailWizz - Email Marketing Application

Nulled MailWizz - Email Marketing Application 2.5.5 Nulled

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[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[CHG] - We're not going to try to fix URLs in email templates anymore, please make sure you insert properly formatted URLs
[CHG] - Replaced the package querypath/querypath with gravitypdf/querypath to make it compatible with PHP 8.2
[ENH] - Redis Cache/Mutex now accept username for connection as well
[ENH] - Importing from the web interface will retry up to 5 consecutive times, one at each 5 seconds, if the server returns an error
[ENH] - The confirmation step of the campaign will now show the from email as well
[CHG] - We will not use tracking domain for a delivery server when validating the server, because we do not want users to be forced to login again
[BUG] - Inserting UTM Tags in the campaign template step will now work for all email templates builders.
[BUG] - The customer campaign reports controller will now load only campaigns belonging to the logged in customer
no change log for this version
[ENH] - The queue command can now take following params(defaults shown): --pcntl=0 --pcntl_processes=10 --messages_limit=10 --memory_limit=2048 --time_limit=60
[ENH] - URLs from XML/JSON feed are now available for selection in the list of URLs used to take action against subscribers and/or to change subscribers custom fields on click
[ENH] - List import/export/sync can now properly handle multi-value fields and allow you to define your custom separator for multi-values. You can also define the action to take when importing and values already exists, either replace existing values or merge them
[CHG] - Warmup plans will not set the second_quota on delivery servers as this can cause them to stall
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[BUG] - REMOTE_CONTENT tag would not parse DS_* tags
[ENH] - Pass the server to all parsing functions that can make use of it
[ADD] - Added campaign_remote_content_tag_fetch_content_cache_key filter hook to set the cache key for when fetching the content of REMOTE_CONTENT tag
[ADD] - Added campaign_remote_content_tag_fetch_content_use_cache filter hook to decide if the content fetched from the remote url will be CACHED or not
[CHG] - Headers for bounces, complaints, etc, will now be html decoded during the parsing process by the bounce handler
[ENH] - Add support for PKCS#8 beside PKCS#1 BUT force PKCS#1 for compatibility reasons
[BUG] - Fix for gmail unsubscribe request due to the fact that it is not following redirects
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
no change log for this version
no change log for this version
[BUG] - Fix bulk delete of email blacklist when not all selected records would be deleted
[CHG] - Abuse complaints will be stored per customer specific blacklist if/when the feature is enabled, otherwise, they will stay in the global blacklist
[ADD] - Added SMTP server type for GreenArrow
[CHG] - XML and JSON feeds will not use cache if they contain dynamic tags in their attributes
[ADD] - Added campaign_model_postpone_seconds_count filter hook
[ADD] - Ability to send an email notification to the customer with the DNS Records to add, when a sending domain is created in the backend
[ADD] - Added {user|customer}_login_remember_me_default_value filter hooks to determine if the remember me checkbox at login is checked or not by default
[ADD] - Added a new command: delete-expired-sessions, to delete expired sessions from database
[ADD] - The new delete-expired-sessions command will also run in the daily cron job, automatically
[ADD] - Added the ability to limit the number of list custom fields for customers/customer groups
no change log for this version
[ENH] - Postmark api will now include the sender name
[ENH] - Campaign share code feature will allow to use the code multiple times
[UPD] - Upgraded KnockoutJS to latest version
[CHG] - We are now using ListFieldText as the class for list Text fields in the field builder
[CHG] - We are now using ListFieldTextarea as the class for list Textarea fields in the field builder
[CHG] - We are now using ListFieldUrl as the class for list URL fields in the field builder
[ADD] - You can now set min/max length for the Text and Textarea fields, and also rules for the content they accept
[ADD] - You can now set min/max length and allowed schemes for the URL field, and also whitelist/blacklist accepted domains
[BUG] - Fixed database error when deleting campaign track click logs
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
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