Magic Login Pro

Magic Login Pro 2.4 Nulled

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* [New Feature] SMS Login – Now you can send magic login links via SMS. [Learn More](
* [New Feature] Code Login – Users can now log in using the login code sent to their email or phone instead of clicking a link.
* [New Feature] Domain Restriction for Registration – Restrict user registration to specific domains.
* [New Feature] FluentCRM Integration – Send magic login links directly via FluentCRM. [Learn More](
* [New Feature] Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) Integration – Seamlessly integrate Magic Login into the EDD checkout experience. [Learn More](
* [Improvement] Applied `login_redirect` filter before `magic_login_redirect` to allow other plugins to modify the redirect URL.
* [Improvement] Deprecated login.php in favor of the LoginManager class.
* [Improvement] Refactored WooCommerce integration into a dedicated class and extended support for customer login forms.
* [Fix] Resolved a brute force protection issue when used with login throttling.
* [Fix] Properly encode the redirection URL on the wp-login page.
* [Fix] Corrected various typos. Props [@szepeviktor](
* Read the full update: [Magic Login 2.4](
* [Fixed] Ensure proper handling of email recipient for {{MAGIC_LINK}} integration.
* [Fixed] French translation.
* [Improved] Applied `array_shift()` to extract the first recipient if `$atts['to']` is an array.
* [Improved] {{MAGIC_LINK}} placeholder to support encoded values.
* [Improved] JavaScript handling for the magic login button by using `esc_url_raw` for form action and redirect URLs.
* [Added] `magic_login_get_wp_login_url` filter for customizing the login URL.
* [Deprecated] \MagicLogin\Utils\get_magic_login_url, use \MagicLogin\Utils\get_wp_login_url instead.
* [Updated] Dependencies.
* [Improved] Enhanced login request handling with prioritized processing and added logging for header_sent scenarios.
* [Improved] Implemented pre-validation checks before magic link replacement to prevent potential issues.
* [Fixed] Resolved recaptcha/turnstile integration compatibility on wp-login.php
* [Updated] Dependencies.
* Tested with WP 6.7